Achieve and maintain maximum material readiness, safety and conservation
of material in the maintenance of aircraft.
A2. To maintain assigned aircraft in a state of full mission capability (FMC).
A3. Rework and upkeep.
A4. Rework maintenance.
A5. Standard depot-level maintenance (SDLM).
A6. Work done to aircraft, equipment, or support equipment to improve or
change its capability to perform special functions.
A 7. Operating units and SE activities.
A8. Scheduled
A9. Special upkeep or unscheduled maintenance.
A10. Three.
A11. Organizational, intermediate and depot.
A12. Work performed by an operating activity on a day-to-day basis in support of
its own operations.
A13. Intermediate level.
A14. Industrial type.
A15. The CNO sponsors and directs the NAMP.
Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP).
A relationship that exists between a superior and subordinate within both
staff and line segments of the organization.
A18. A staff relationship.
A19. The aircraft maintenance offcer.
A20. Planning, control, and production.
A21. Assistant aircraft maintenance officer (AAMO), maintenance/material
control officer (MMCO), and aircraft division and branch officers.
Assistant aircraft maintenance officer.
A23. The overall productive effort of the maintenance department.
A24. To prevent defects from occurring from the onset of a maintenance operation
through its completion.
Prevention, knowledge, and special skills.
A26. Monitor, control, and apply the Maintenance Data System within the activity.
A27. System administrator/analyst.
A28. Maintenance control.
A29. Power Plants, airframes, and aviators life support systems (some activities
also have an inspection or phase branch and a corrosion branch).