When the dispensers are loaded, the safety pin or flag
assemblies must remain installed until just before fight.
The rear of the housing assembly has a dispenser
interconnect that electrically connects the dispenser
assembly to the system. When you are installing the
dispenser assembly into the housing assembly, you
should use a guide pin to ensure proper alignment of the
electrical connectors.
Sequencer Switch
Two sequencer switches (fig. 10-38) are used in a
systemone for the right- and left-dispenser
assemblies. The sequencer switch is a solenoid-
actuated, multideck, rotary stepping switch contained in
a hermetically sealed case.
The sequencer switch is actuated by control signals
received nom the programmer. Each control signal
from the programmer actuates a relay in the sequencer
switch, which applies 28-volt dc to the rotary switch. As
the rotary steps, a firing pulse is supplied directly from
the aircrafts 28-volt dc power supply. This firing pulse
is directed to the applicable impulse cartridge in the
dispenser assembly.
Dispensing starts with the selection of one or both
dispensers (right or left) from the cockpit and the
initiation of the dispensing switch. When only one
dispenser has been selected and is emptied, the
programmer control pulses are. automatically
transferred to the second sequencer switch. When both
dispensers are selected by the cockpit control,
simultaneous signals are directed to both sequencer
switches. The sequencer switches are connected to the
dispenser housing by an electrical cable supplied as part
of the dispenser housing.
Dispensing Set Programmer
The dispensing set programmer (fig. 10-39)
provides electronic control of the dispensing modes.
The AN/ALE-39A programmer generates control
signals for the programmed payload ejection sequences.
It also generates control signals for single ejection of
payloads initiated manually. Manual (single)
dispensing is performed during a programmed
dispensing sequence without disrupting the program.
The AN/ALE-37A countermeasures chaff
dispensing set (fig. 10-40) is externally mounted on
aircraft MER/TER ejector racks that have 14-inch
suspensions. When mounted on the aircraft, the
AN/ALE-37A has various patterns of chaff, decoy
flares, or expendable jammers. Dispensing is
dependent upon control settings and aircraft speed.
Several dispensing pods may be employed on a single
aircraft to provide maximum countermeasure
The dispensing set is of modular construction,
making maintenance easier and reducing turnaround
time. Each dispensing pod contains two lightweight
payload modules. Each payload module has a capacity
of 120 rounds, providing a total capacity of 240 rounds.
When empty, the pod weighs 180 pounds. When fully
loaded, the pod weighs approximately 277 pounds.
Figure 10-38.Sequencer switch.