Chapter 9
Airborne Weapons Support Equipment Description and Characteristics,
NAVAIR 11-140-24, Commander, Naval Air Systems Command,
Washington, D. C., 1 September 1990,
Approved Handling Equipment For Weapons and Explosives,
NAVSEA OP 2173, Volume 1, and NAVAIR 19-100-1.1, Commander,
Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, D. C., 15 June 1971 through
Change 5 of 1 July 1981.
Handling Ammunition, Explosives, and Hazardous Materials with Industrial
Materials Handling Equipment (MHE), NAVSEA OP 4098, Second
Revision, Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, D. C.,
1 December 1978 through Change 2 of 15 February 1982.
Naval Airborne Weapons Maintenance Program (NAWMP), OPNAVINST
8600.2B, Chief of Naval Operations, Washington D. C., 1 September 1994.
Ordnance Safety Precautions, Their Origin and Necessity, NAVORD OP 1014,
Third Revision, Commander, Naval Ordnance System Command,
Washington, D. C., 15 August 1972.
United States Navy Ordnance Safety Precautions, NAVSEA OP 3347, Second
Revision, Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, D. C.,
15 February 1972 through Change 11 of 15 April 1982.
Chapter 10
Bomb Rack BRU-12/A and MAU-38/A, NAVAIR 11-5C-23, Commander,
Naval Air Systems Command, Washington, D. C., 1 September 1974
through Change 2 of 15 June 1978.
Bomb Rack Models AERO 65A Series, NAVAIR 11-5E-50, Commander,
Naval Air Systems Command, Washington, D. C., 1 February 1982
through Change 1 of 1 August 1986.
Bomb Rack BRU-14/A and BRU-15/A, NAVAIR 11-5E-18, Commander,
Naval Air Systems Command, Washington, D. C., 1 September 1990
through RAC 5-15 April 1994.
Ejector Rack Assembly BRU-32/A, AW-382AC-750-000, Commander, Naval
Air Systems Command, Washington, D. C., 5 June 1989 through Change
1 of 11 August 1989.
Improved Multiple Ejector Rack (IMER) BRU-41/A, Improved Triple Ejector
Rack (ITER) BRU-42/A, NAVAIR 11-5-603, Commander, Naval Air
Systems Command, Washington, D. C., 1 April 1988.
Multiple Ejector Rack (MER) and Triple Ejector Rack (TER), NAVAIR
11-75A-57, Commander, Naval Air Systems Command, Washington, D. C.,
23 January 1978 through RAC 3 of 15 October 1984.