Naval Airborne Weapons Maintenance Program (NAWMP), OPNAVINST
8600.2B, Chief of Naval Operations, Washington D. C., 1 September 1994.
Ordnance Safety Precautions, Their Origin and Necessity, NAVORD OP 1014,
Third Revision, Commander, Naval Ordnance System Command,
Washington, D. C., 15 August 1972.
Rack Ejector Bomb BRU-10/B, and Models BRU-10A/B thru BRU-11A/A,
NAVAIR 11-10C-24, Commander, Naval Air Systems Command,
Washington, D. C., 1 February 1986 through RAC 1 of 5 February 1987.
Rack Ejector Bomb BRU-10/B and Models BRU-11/B, BRU-10/A, BRU-11/A,
NAVAIR 11-10C-20, Commander, Naval air systems Command, 1
February 1986 through RAC 1 of 5 February 1987.
Vertical Ejector Rack assembly
BRU-33/A and BRU-33A/A,
AW-382AC-750-010, Commander, Naval Air Systems Command,
Washington, D. C., 19 June 1989 through Change 1 of 1 February 1993.
United States Navy Ordnance Safety Precautions, NAVSEA OP 3347, Second
Revision, Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, D. C.,
15 February 1972 through Change 11 of 15 April 1982.
Chapter 11
Airborne Weapons
Packaging/Handling/Stowage (Shipboard), Volume 1,
NAVAIR 11-120A-1.1, Commander, Naval Air Systems Command,
Washington, D. C., 15 July 1981 through Change 8 of 15 September 1989.
Ammunition Afloat, NAVSEA OP 4, Fifth Revision, Commander, Naval Sea
Systems Command, Washington, D. C., 15 February 1972 through Change
17 of 01 November 1994.
Electromagnetic Radiation Hazards (U), (Hazards to Ordnance) (U), NAVSEA
OP 3565/NAVAIR 16-1-529/NAVELEX 0967-LP-624-6010, Volume II,
Part One, Sixth Revision, Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command,
Washington, D. C., 15 July 1989 through Change 4 of 15 September 1993.
Electromagnetic Radiation Hazards (U), (Hazards to Personnel, Fuel and Other
Flammable Material) (U),
N A V S E A O P 3 5 6 5 / N A V A I R
16-1-529/NAVELEX 0967-LP-624-6010, Volume 1, Fifth Revision,
Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, D. C.,
1 November 1979 through Change 2 of 15 July 1982.
Handling and Stowage of Air-Launched Weapons Aboard Amphibious Ships,
SG420-B5-WHS-010, Commander Naval Sea Systems Command,
Washington D. C., 30 November 1986 through Change G NNSY 30
September 1993.
Handling and Stowage of Amphibious Assault Ammunition Aboard Amphibious
Ships, NAVSEA OP 4550, Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command,
Washington, D. C., 15 March 1979 through Change 1 of 15 April 1987.