. Protect personnel from the shock hazard
resulting from equipment that experiences an internal
power failure
l Prevent the accumulation of static charges that
could produce radio interference or be an explosion
hazard due to periodic spark discharge
Close-riveted skin construction that divides any
lightning current over a number of rivets is considered
adequately bonded to provide a lightning discharge
current path. Control surfaces and flaps should have
a bonding jumper across each hinge. To protect the
control cables and levers, additional jumpers should
be connected between the control surface and the
structure. The length of a discharge path through the
control system should be at least 10 times the length
of the path of the jumper or jumpers.
All external electrically isolated conducting
objects (except antennas) should have a bonding
jumper to the aircraft to ensure a low-impedance path.
This is done so the voltage drop developed across the
jumper system by the lightning discharge is
minimized. The bonding jumpers must be kept as
short as possible. When practical, a bonding jumper
should not exceed 3 inches.
Learning Objective: Recognize the hazards
to electrostatic discharge-sensitive devices,
to include proper handling and packaging
The sensitivity of electronic devices and
components to electrostatic discharge (ESD) has
recently become clear through use, testing, and failure
analysis. The construction and design features of
current microtechnology have resulted in devices
being destroyed or damaged by ESD voltages as low
as 20 volts. The trend in this technology is toward
greater complexity, increased packaging density, and
thinner dielectrics between active elements. This
trend will result in devices even more sensitive to
Various devices and components are susceptible
to damage by electrostatic voltage levels commonly
generated in production, test, operation, and by
maintenance personnel. The devices and components
include the following:
. All microelectronic and most semiconductor
devices, except various power diodes and transistors
. Thick and thin film resistors, chips and hybrid
devices, and crystals
All subassemblies, assemblies, and equipment con-
taining these components/devices without adequate
protective circuitry are ESD sensitive (ESDS).
You can protect ESDS items by implementing
simple, low-cost ESD controls. Lack of imple-
mentation has resulted in high repair costs, excessive
equipment downtime, and reduced equipment
The operational characteristics of a system may
not normally show these failures. However, under
internal built-in-test monitoring in a digital
application, they become pronounced. For example,
the system functions normally on the ground; but,
when placed in an operational environment, a
damaged PN junction might further degrade, causing
its failure. Normal examination of these parts will not
detect the damage unless you use a curve tracer to
measure the signal rise and fall times, or check the
parts for reverse leakage current.
Static electricity is electrical energy at rest. Some
substances readily give up electrons while others
accumulate excessive electrons. When two
substances are rubbed together, separated or flow
relative to one another (such as gas or liquid over a
solid), one substance becomes negatively charged and
the other positively charged. An electrostatic field or
lines of force emanate between a charged object to an
object at a different electrostatic potential or ground.
Objects entering this field will receive a charge by
The capacitance of the charged object relative to
another object or ground also has an effect on the
field. If the capacitance is reduced, there is an inverse
linear increase in voltage, since the charge must be
conserved. As the capacitance decreases, the voltage
increases until a discharge occurs via an arc.