1,000-foot counter and then add the 100-foot pointer
It is possible to misinterpret the counter-
pointer altimeter by 1,000 feet immediately
before or after the 1,000-foot counter
moves. This error is possible because the
1,000-foot counter changes when the
foot-pointer is between the 900- and
1,000-foot position.
Counter-Drum-Pointer Altimeter. The only
real difference between this altimeter and the
counter-pointer altimeter is the addition of a 100-foot
drum (fig. 2-9). This drum follows the 100-foot
pointer, and it is this drum that actuates the
1,000-foot counter. In this way it prevents the
reading error when the 1,000-foot counter switches.
There are two methods of reading the indicated
pressure altitude.
One way is to read the
counter-drum window without referring to the
100-foot pointer. This will give a direct readout of
both thousands and hundreds of feet. The second way
is to read the counter window and then add the
100-foot pointer indication. The pointer serves as a
precise readout of values less than 100 feet.
This sample altimeter has a servoed mode and a
pressure mode of operation. The mode of operation is
controlled by a spring-loaded, self-centering mode
switch, placarded RESET and STBY. In the servoed
mode, the altimeter displays altitude, corrected for
position error, from the synchro output of the air data
computer. In the standby mode, the altimeter operates
as a standard altimeter. In this mode, it uses static
Figure 2-9.-Counter-drum-pointer altimeter.
pressure from the static system that is uncorrected for
position error.
The servoed mode is selected by placing the mode
switch to RESET for 3 seconds. The ac power must
be on. During standby operation, a red STBY flag
appears on the dial face. The altimeter automatically
switches to standby operation during an electrical
power loss or when the altimeter or altitude computer
fails. The standby operation is selected by placing the
mode switch to STBY. An ac-powered internal
vibrator automatically energizes in the standby mode
to lessen friction in the display mechanism.
are five categories of errors relating to pressure
altimeters. They are the mechanical error, the scale
error, installation/position error, reversal error, and
hysteresis error.
Mechanical Error. Mechanical error is caused
by misalignments in gears and levers that transmit the
aneroid cell expansion and contraction to the pointers
of the altimeter. This error is not constant, and it must
be checked before each flight by the setting
Scale Error. Scale error is caused by irregular
expansion of the aneroid cells. It is recorded on a
scale correction card maintained for each altimeter in
the instrument maintenance shop.
Installation/Position Error. Installation/
position error is caused by the airflow around the
static ports. This error varies with the type of aircraft,
airspeed, and altitude. The magnitude and direction
of this error can be determined by referring to the
performance data section in the aircraft NATOPS
An altimeter correction card is installed in some
aircraft that combines the installation/position and the
scale errors. This card shows the amount of correction
needed at different altitudes and airspeeds.
Reversal Error. Reversal error is caused by
inducing false static pressure into the system. This
normally occurs during abrupt or huge pitch changes.
This error appears on the altimeter as a momentary
indication in the opposite direction.
Hysteresis Error. Hysteresis error is a lag in
altitude indication due to the elastic properties of the
material within the altimeter. This occurs after an
aircraft has maintained a constant altitude for an
extended period of time and then makes a large, rapid
altitude change.
After a rapid descent, altimeter