Figure 7-24.--Bulkhead-mounted electronics enclosure (BMEE).
the BMEE, maintains the ship's +28 V dc input at a
constant potential under loads to 30 amperes. The ship's
+28 V dc feeds the BMEE, FECS, and FPCS panels
Overspeed switch electronics
from a circuit breaker located on either one of the two
dc distribution panels.
Start/stop sequencer electronics
Let's take a brief look at how these electronics
Foilborne Control System
interface with each other and with the propulsion control
The foilborne control system (FBCS) controls the
PHM during foilborne operations and during transitions
The PLA actuator, which is mounted on the main
between foilborne and hullborne operations. The FBCS
fuel control of the GTE, receives signals from the
consists of the following equipment and systems:
BMEE torque computer electronics. A voltage booster,
which is mounted on the aft bulkhead of the EOS below
1. Automatic control system (ACS)