assembly, and an ELDEC propulsion control system.
(AUX) position, the helmsman can obtain manual
Interfacing support systems include the gas turbine inlet
c o n t r o l of some of these functions by using the
and exhaust air systems, secondary cooling air, air
individual control switches. Functions that can be
starting (pneumatic) system, and electrical power.
controlled manually are engine compressor washing,
engine waste drain transfer, demister panel anti-icing,
Although control for the gearbox auxiliary lube oil
engine secondary cooling air, engine fuel shutoff valve
pump is contained in the FECS, manual control for the
lube oil tank heater is provided on the FPCS panel, as
shown in figure 7-26. Indicating and warning lights and
heating, and system self-tests. The detailed view of the
temperature and pressure gauges are provided for
EOS panel shown in figure 7-23 is an FECS panel.
monitoring propulsor system operation. Test points are
Notice the dial faces and how the indicating and warning
provided on the edges of the FPCS circuit cards.
lights and temperature and pressure gauges are provided
for monitoring foilborne operations. The circuit cards
used in the FECS have LEDs and test points on the edges
for troubleshooting.
From reading the preceding sections on the main
c o m p o n e n t s and control systems of the foilborne
As mentioned earlier, the GTE is started by the
propulsion system, you have likely deduced how the
operator in the EOS. Then, throttle control is transferred
equipment units and control systems work together to
to the helm for foilborne operation. Before shutdown,
s t a b i l i z e and propel the craft forward. Basically,
control is transferred back to the EOS where the GTE is
foilborne propulsion is achieved through the interaction
shut down with automatically controlled logic.
of hydrodynamic forces similar to the aerodynamic
forces in flying. To understand the interaction of
SYSTEM. The FPCS consists of a GTE, a Western
hydrodynamic forces involved in the propulsion of the
PHM, let's take a look at some normal events.
Gear gearbox, an Aerojet Liquid Rocket propulsor
Figure 7-26.--Foilborne propulsor control system (FPCS) panel.