d a m a g e exists, the commanding officer has the
transmitter circuits with the digital receiver circuits in
responsibility of deciding whether to continue operation
the ACC. The EPCC output data consist of address
of the affected equipment under casualy conditions.
information for both input and output data transfers and
digital data that drive the DDIs on the ACC.
A l t h o u g h speed in controlling a casualty is
essential, actions should never be undertaken unless
e n g i n e e r i n g department personnel have accurate
information concerning the affected equipment and
The mission of engineering casualty control is the
associated system. Without accurate information, the
maintenance of engineering services in a state of
c a s u a l t y could be mishandled, in turn causing
irreparable damage to the equipment and possible loss
In regard to the CCS, casualty control includes both
of the ship. Speed in the handling of casualties can be
machinery and electrical casualty control. Efficient CCS
a c h i e v e d only when engineering personnel have
casualty control is the result of effective personnel
acquired knowledge of the equipment and associated
organization and training. The ability to detect and
systems and have been thoroughly and repeatedly
i d e n t i f y signs of initial trouble in equipment is
trained in the routines required to handle specific
developed through familiarization with plant operation.
predictable casualties.
The details on specific casualties that can occur in
the CCS of a gas turbine-powered ship are beyond the
s c o p e of this TRAMAN. Detailed information on
This chapter has provided you with a variety of
casualty control can be obtained from the engineering
information you will need to become an efficient gas
operational casualty control (EOCC) portion of the
turbine specialist. In this chapter, we discussed the
EOSS. The EOCC contains important information
various engineering control system operations found on
s h i p ' s personnel can use to recognize casualty
t h e gas turbine-powered ships. We described the
symptoms and determine their probable causes and
methods used by these control systems to exchange and
effects. The EOCC also contains information on actions
process the information necessary to control a gas
C C S personnel can take to prevent casualties. It
turbine engineering plant. We also described some
s p e c i f i e s procedures for controlling single- and
testing and calibration procedures for these systems and
multiple-source casualties. The EOCC manuals are
some basic operational procedures performed at the
available at each watch station in CCS for
self-indoctrination. T h e m a n u a l s c o n t a i n
consoles located in the CCS of DD-963, DDG-993,
CG-47, DDG-51, and FFG-7 class ships.
d o c u m e n t a t i o n to assist engineering personnel in
developing and maintaining maximum proficiency in
As you advance in the GS rating, your
controlling casualties to the ship's propulsion plant.
responsibilities for the engineering control system and
its operation will increase. The information provided in
In the CCS, the speed with which corrective actions
this chapter should help you further understand the
can be applied to an engineering casualty is frequently
electrical and electronic interfaces provided by the
of paramount importance. This is particularly true when
engineering control systems. We also referred you to
casualties can affect the propulsion power, steering, or
other publications that will give you a more in-depth
e l e c t r i c a l power generation and distribution. If
explanation of the material covered in this chapter. You
casualties associated with these functions are allowed to
should study these additional publications to become a
become cumulative, they may lead to serious damage to
more proficient and reliable technician.
the engineering plant. When possible risk of permanent