3. Pull the drawer to its full open position. (Some
power supply drawers are mounted on locking slide rails
This section contains basic information pertaining
to prevent them from being pulled completely out.)
to the repair of console assemblies, components, and
4 . Disconnect any cable connectors from the
repairable parts. Basic repair procedures include the
power supply.
5 . Release any slide stops, locks, or drawer
Removal of assemblies and components
retainers, and remove the power supply drawer.
Disassembly, inspection, and cleaning of
Once again, depending on your class of ship and the
specific console, there may be additional steps you must
take to remove a power supply assembly. Always
consult the technical manual.
Replacement of assemblies and components
Disassembly, Inspection, and Cleaning
Removal of Assemblies
After you remove the assembly or subassembly, you
Most consoles on gas turbine-powered ships are
must disassemble it, inspect it, and clean it. These
constructed to ease maintenance and repair efforts. They
procedures are listed in the manufacturer's technical
h a v e card cages, power supply drawers, buckets,
manual. The technical manual procedures will provide
assemblies, and bays. When performing repair work,
y o u with instructions for complete or partial
you may find it necessary to remove complete
disassembly. Usually, detailed disassembly, inspection,
assemblies or subassemblies to locate and repair a fault.
and cleaning procedures are included for maintenance
Instructions for removing components and assemblies
of significant items.
are listed in the manufacturer's technical manual. You
To remove a discrete component, first tag and
should refer to the technical manual whenever you
remove or unsolder the attached wires. Then, remove
perform repair work on the consoles. The typical
the parts and hardware listed in the procedure for that
procedures for removing two of the most repairable
components of consoles, a circuit card assembly and a
p o w e r supply drawer, are listed in the following
When inspecting the assembly, you must know what
faults or potential faults to look for. You should use the
inspection procedures listed in the technical manual
C I R C U I T CARD ASSEMBLY. To remove a
when repairing and replacing assemblies and
typical circuit card assembly, you should proceed as
components. A thorough visual inspection will allow
you to identify any physically damaged parts and to
1. Open the access door(s).
prevent the obviously damaged parts from causing
further damage.
2. Release captive fasteners or screws and remove
any card retainer devices.
Most electronic consoles on gas turbine ships have
small fans that circulate air through the assemblies for
3. Using circuit card extractor, remove the card
cooling. This air causes the components to become
from the assembly.
extremely dusty. Dusty and dirty electronic components
Depending on your class of ship and the specific
retain more heat and can overheat if they are not cleaned.
console, there may be additional steps you must take to
The following list contains some of the common faults
remove a circuit card. Again, make sure you refer to the
you should be aware of when inspecting assemblies of
appropriate technical manual.
control consoles:
Burned components, cracked or broken circuits,
typical power supply drawer, you should proceed as
and chipped or broken connector pins on the
circuit cards
1. Perform the console turn-off procedures, as
Bent or broken pins, cracked housings, damaged
specified in the technical manual.
i n s e r t s , and loose attaching hardware on
2. Release any captive fasteners or screws.