and precautions you must observe whenever you are
w o r k i n g with energized electrical equipment and
In this chapter, we have discussed your primary role
as a GSE in the maintenance of the electrical and
As a GSE, you will be the backbone of electrical and
electronic systems associated with your ship's main
propulsion plant. We have discussed the
electronic maintenance in your ship's engineering
department. The information presented in this chapter
troubleshooting, maintenance, and repair of electronic,
covers some of the most important areas of your
electromechanical, and electrohydraulic control circuits
maintenance and repair responsibilities. If you have any
and systems, motors and generators, controllers, jacks,
questions or you are uncertain about any of the sections
plugs, multiconductor cables, and auxiliary systems. We
i n this chapter, we recommend you review this
have also discussed wire-wrapping techniques, pump
i m p o r t a n t information before you begin the next
reporting procedures, and important safety techniques