When inspecting a pressure transducer, look for any
While performing PMS, you may find it necessary
physical external damage, such as loose-fitting covers,
to calibrate a transducer that is out of tolerance.
C a l i b r a t e pressure transducers on a bench before
d a m a g e d pressure and electrical connectors, and
installing them. This action will prevent damage to the
missing parts. Check inside the metal case for corrosion
transducer and the equipment served.
and the presence of water or oil. If water or oil is present,
check the condition of the rubber gasket on the cover
The equipment needed for the setup to calibrate a
and replace it if necessary.
transducer is shown in figures 6-5 and 6-6. If your ship
Figure 6-6.--Calibration setup for gauge pressure and differential pressure transducers.