In this chapter, we have discussed your role as a
The WHB control panel contains all the circuits
GSE in the maintenance of the engineering support
required to control the operation of the WHB. When you
systems found on gas turbine-powered ships. We have
troubleshoot the WHB, it is essential for you to use the
discussed the troubleshooting, maintenance, and repair
manufacturer's technical manual. A fault in the boiler
of the components of the ship's fuel service system,
control panel is usually caused by short circuits, open
bleed air system, and the gas turbine fuel system. We
h a v e also discussed the maintenance procedures
circuits, or grounds. The WHB control panel contains
associated with the main lubricating oil system and the
several timers (AGASTATs) that control the automatic
waste heat recovery system.
on and off times for the pumps. Sometimes, these
components become misadjusted, causing incorrect
As a GSE, you will be the primary person contacted
cycling of the pumps. You, the GSE, also must locate
when an electrical or electronic failure occurs to the
and repair all types of faults to the WHB control panel.
e n g i n e e r i n g support systems. The information
Remember to refer to the manufacturer's technical
presented in this chapter covers some of the important
manual when troubleshooting the boiler control panel.
areas of your maintenance and repair responsibilities. If
Also, refer to chapter 5 of this TRAMAN for additional
y o u have any questions or you need additional
information on the basic troubleshooting techniques
information about the sections in this chapter, we
recommend you study chapter 5 of this TRAMAN.
used on electric controllers.