Your primary responsibility as a Gas Turbine
installation, safety depends on the technician being
Systems Technician (Electrical) (GSE) is the
continuously aware of hazards. A reliable technician
maintenance of the electrical and electronic systems of
s t a y s alert to guard against these hazards. The
the main propulsion plant. These systems include
information in this chapter should help you safely
electronic control circuits, control consoles, signal
perform your tasks by alerting you to remove or at least
conditioners, and electrical generating systems. You, the
reduce potential mishaps.
GSE2, are the backbone of electrical and electronic
maintenance in the engineering department. For that
reason, your knowledge of the electrical and electronic
The most important action you can perform as a
systems must be exceptional. Advancement to second
GSE2 is to work safely. For this reason, several
class requires that you strengthen the maintenance skills
precautions are included as the first subject in this
you acquired as a third class GSE.
chapter. Of course there are more precautions, but the
This chapter discusses the troubleshooting, repair,
following guidelines are those YOU should always think
and maintenance of electrical and electronic circuits. It
about. The key word here is think. Think safety.
covers control circuits and systems, motors, generators,
Never work alone.
and controllers. It also describes the maintenance
techniques associated with jacks, plugs, multiconductor
Never receive an intentional shock.
c a b l e s , and auxiliary systems. This chapter also
discusses casualty inspecting and reporting procedures,
Don't work on energized equipment unless it is
wire wrapping operations, and pump logic calibrating
absolutely necessary.
procedures. You will also read about various safety
Keep loose tools, metal parts, and liquids from
techniques associated with the maintenance of electrical
above electrical equipment. Never use steel wool
and electronic circuits.
or emery cloth on electric or electronic circuits.
U s e only one hand when operating circuit
breakers or switches.
Use proper tag-out procedures for regular and
Most GSEs working on electrical and electronic
preventive maintenance.
circuits take risks. Usually, we get our jobs done without
any injuries. Many of the injuries that occur simply
Keep protective closures, fuse panels, and circuit
result from our not understanding the risk or danger.
breaker boxes closed unless you are actually
Electrical and electronic equipment in the fleet has
working on them.
become increasingly complex and sophisticated. It
* Never bypass an interlock unless authorized to
includes such areas as power amplifiers, digital devices,
do so by the commanding officer, and then
computers, and associated control equipments.
properly tag the bypass.
Before attempting any repair or maintenance work
on electrical or electronic equipment, disconnect the
Safety from the viewpoint of the technician requires
equipment from the power supply. Properly tag the
a full appreciation of various factors and hazards
main switch so it cannot be accidentally energized. If
involved in maintenance. Electronic equipment requires
there is any doubt whether the supply circuits have been
adequate safety features, such as suitable enclosures,
deenergized, check them with a voltmeter. Use an
provisions for grounding, and protective interlocks.
approved grounding probe to make certain that the
Regardless of the efforts made during design and
power supply filter capacitors are shorted and grounded.