indicators and bulbs. These inspections require direct
Check the wiring diagram to determine if there are any
analysis by the person performing the check
other capacitors that should be discharged.
NOTE: An exception to the rule for deenergizing
the equipment is when you must observe operation. In
this case, obey the safety precautions necessary to
Testing of electrical and electronic equipment
prevent electrical shock.
involves the use of calibrated instruments to monitor and
Y o u can find additional and more detailed
record data. By observing the responses and indications
of the test instruments, and by comparing the data with
information on safety in the Electronics Installation and
established standards, you can determine if the circuit
M a i n t e n a n c e Book (EIMB), General, N A V S E A
or device is operating properly.
Inspections require direct examination by human
senses, normally sight and touch, whereas a test requires
the use of an instrument. The difference between a test
Preventive maintenance is the planned
and an inspection is that when you perform a test, you
accomplishment of actions considered necessary to
m u s t use an instrument to acquire the necessary
remove or reduce failures in equipment. These actions
information. This information represents a form or
prolong the useful life of the equipment. Preventive
function of energy that is not perceivable by human
maintenance actions are grouped into the following
senses. Using the information provided by the
three basic groups:
instrument, you can make an examination or analysis of
1. Routine maintenance
the equipment or system you are checking.
2. Testing
3. Adjusting
The adjusting of electrical or electronic equipment
We will discuss each of these groups briefly in the
is a broad area that encompasses all phases of the
following paragraphs. A more useful knowledge of
following actions:
preventive maintenance can be gained by understanding
the program that plans and schedules the routine
To rearrange or change a function or
maintenance, testing, and adjusting of equipment. This
program, the Planned Maintenance System, is discussed
To align circuits by adjusting two or more
GSE3/GSM3, Volume 1, NAVEDTRA 10563.
sections of a circuit or system so their functions
are properly synchronized
To calibrate circuits in which you check circuits
Routine maintenance is the application of special
or instruments of a given standard of accuracy
procedures of inspection, cleaning, and lubrication of
against standards of higher accuracy, and then
equipment. These procedures are special in that they use
align or adjust them accordingly.
approved and standard methods during such
maintenance actions. For example, certain approved
methods are developed for the cleaning and lubricating
of ball bearings. When a ball bearing needs lubrication,
Corrective maintenance of electronic equipment
it should first be cleaned and then lubricated with the
consists of the actions and operations you must perform
p r o p e r lubricant. Included with the lubricating
to restore improperly operating equipment to a fully
instructions are lubrication charts that specify the
operative condition. Corrective maintenance actions
may be those you will need to repair equipment after a
methods are routine in that they apply whenever ball
fire or to locate and replace a faulty part. Corrective
bearings are lubricated and must be accomplished at
maintenance actions are also those you may need to
specified intervals.
locate a faulty function and then adjust its circuit for an
output that is within specifications. Common to each of
R o u t i n e inspections include such actions as
these corrective maintenance actions is a sequence of
checking equipment ground straps, screws, nuts, and
three basic operations that are always performed. These
bolts. They also include checking oil reservoirs for
operations are
p r o p e r quantity of oil and checking front panel