Figure 4-6.--WHB control panel controls and indicators (DD-963 class).
preventive maintenance reduces the chance of future of
The boiler control panel is located next to its
associated WHB. There are multiple voltage inputs to
the WHB and its associated electrical components.
the boiler control panel. These voltages are 440-volt ac,
Routine PMS includes conducting insulation checks of
115-volt ac, and 28-volt dc. The boiler control panel
the control and power circuits and making sure each
provides local control of the WHB.
electrical connection is tight. Any problems found in the
WHB control panel must be corrected immediately to
ensure the waste heat recovery system is at its maximum
Although the boiler control panel may look
readiness condition. Make sure you follow the proper
complicated, it is maintained the same as any other
electrical safety precautions during the maintenance of
electrical controller. As a GSE, you will be responsible
the WHB control panels.
for the maintenance of the WHB control panel. Proper