Up to this point we have discussed the
gained in this chapter, follow the EOSS, and
operation and the construction of the gas turbine
complete the PQS requirements.
engineering plant. One of the revolutionary
The abbreviations and acronyms for an item
aspects of the gas turbine plant is its ability to be
may differ between the ship classes. For example,
operated locally or from a remote central point.
on the DD-class ships, GB is the abbreviation used
Local operation is accomplished at the PLCC,
for generator circuit breaker. On the FFG-class
while the central point is the PACC in the
ships, generator CB is the abbreviation used for
CCS. Systems that are not controlled in the
generator circuit breaker. In this book we will use
CCS may at least be monitored from there. This
the abbreviation/acronym appropriate for the
allows for reduced watch standing outside the
class ship discussed.
CCS as opposed to older ships that required
watch standers throughout the plant. Also,
the EOOW and propulsion, electrical, and
damage control watch standers have a quicker
look at all vital parameters associated with plant
The PACC is a five-bay console (fig. 5-1) with
The CCS is manned 24 hours a day either in
eight front panels and an integrated throttle
port or at sea. At sea it is normally manned by
control (ITC) panel. The primary purpose of the
an EOOW (either an officer or senior enlisted),
PACC is to house the controls and status/alarm
a PACC operator (usually a senior GS petty
indicators of the four gas turbine modules (GTMs)
officer), an EPCC operator (usually a petty
and all the auxiliary equipment for operating the
officer GSE or EM), and a DCC operator
main GTMs for both engine rooms. The operator,
(normally a Damage Controlman (DC) or a HT).
when seated facing the PACC panels, is facing
A fuel king will monitor the fuel system control
the bow of the ship. All the controls and
console (FSCC) when necessary. Normally, the
indicators on the two left bays correspond to the
in-port watch in the CCS is stood by a single watch
equipment in engine room No. 1, which drives the
stander, who is usually a qualified engineering
port shaft of the ship. All the controls and
petty officer. At some point you will stand watch
indicators on bays No. 3 and No. 4 are related
in the CCS. Therefore, you should become
to the equipment in engine room No. 2, which
drives the starboard shaft of the ship. The
familiar with all operations that may occur in the
controls and indicators on bay No. 5 are directly
related to the ship's auxiliary subsystems and the
After reading this chapter and completing the
GTM/GTG bleed air systems. We will try, where
associated NRTC, you should have a good under-
possible, to describe the PACC panels from left
standing of the functions of the PACC and PLCC
to right, top to bottom. The figures used in this
for the DD- and CG-class ships. This material is
chapter will show the PACC and PLCC for the
meant for training purposes only. It is not meant
DD-class ship. If the section or subsection of the
to replace the EOSS or technical manuals.
console on a CG-class ship is different, we will
use inserts only of that particular section of the
You should have no problem qualifying as a
CG-class PACC and PLCC. In some instances,
watch stander if you seek the help of an
where the components are directly related, we may
experienced watch stander, use the knowledge
describe a component out of sequence.