Each toggle switch controls its respective tank's
describe them from left to right and top to
suction and recirculation valves. The PACC
The first alarm indicator labeled MODULE
operator uses these toggle switches to command
the respective FO tank suction and recirculation
FIRE illuminates red when a fire occurs in the
valves either open or closed. Under the label
GTM module. It can be activated either by the
EMERG FUEL TRIP are a pair of functionally
UV sensors in the module or an RTE in the
overhead of the module. The alarm indicator
identical, covered toggle control switches labeled
labeled LUBO PRESS LO TRIP illuminates red
B and A. The PACC operator uses these toggle
when a GTM shutdown at 6 psig LO pressure
switches to close the emergency FO trip valves.
occurs. The alarm indicator labeled PLA ACT
These valves must be manually reopened at the
FAIL illuminates red when the voltage level to the
PLA is out of limits or an overtorque condition
exists on the GTM. The first alarm indicator on
Under the label PUMP are the six push-button
the second row across is labeled FUEL TEMP LO.
control indicators. There are two columns of three
It illuminates amber when the FO temperature to
push buttons for each pump (B or A). The PACC
operator uses these push buttons to control the
the GTM is below 80F. The alarm indicator
pump speed of either or both FO pumps. The
labeled FUEL FILTER BLOCKED illuminates
amber when the differential pressure of the filter
push buttons labeled FAST and SLOW are green
on the GTM exceeds 27 psid. The alarm indicator
status indicators that illuminate the status or
labeled FUEL WAX FORMING illuminates red
command to the respective pump, depending on
the operating mode the PACC operator selects.
when the FO temperature at the MFC is 60F or
The push buttons labeled STOP are red indicators
The first alarm indicator on the third row
that illuminate the status or command to the
down is labeled LUBO LEVEL LO. It illuminates
respective pump.
red when the LO level in the LOSCA is 8 gallons
Under the EMERG FUEL TRIP toggle
or less. The alarm indicator labeled LUBO
SUPPLY PRESS LO illuminates red when the LO
switches are two status indicators. The first
pressure to the GTM is 15 psig or less. The alarm
indicator is green and labeled CCS CONTROL.
indicator labeled LUBO COOLER OUT TEMP
It illuminates when CCS has control of the FO
HI illuminates amber when the LO temperature
system. The other indicator is amber and labeled
PLCC CONTROL. It illuminates when control
at the outlet of the LOSCA exceeds 250F. The
alarm indicator labeled LUBO LEVEL HI on the
of the FO system is at the PLCC.
fourth row illuminates amber when the LO level
in the LOSCA is 40 gallons or more. The alarm
Under the label PUMP MODE is the three-
indicator labeled LUBO SUPPLY FILTER BLK
position rotary switch. The positions are labeled
illuminates amber when the differential pressure
of the LO supply filter in the GTM module
operator uses this rotary switch to select either
exceeds 20 psid. The alarm indicator labeled
the manual mode of pump operation or the
LUBO SCAV FILTER BLK illuminates amber
automatic mode. The automatic mode is selected
when the differential pressure of the LO scavenge
by placing the rotary switch in either the
B LEAD or A LEAD position. The position
filter on the LOSCA exceeds 20 psid.
designated by the PACC operator determines
Beginning on the fifth row, the next five alarm
indicators labeled SCAV TEMP A HI, SCAV
which pump is the lead pump and which pump
is the standby pump.
D HI, and GRBX SCAV TEMP HI are all
functionally identical indicators. They illuminate
GTM 2B Section
red when the respective LO scavenge temperature
is > 300F. The next alarm indicator (on the CG
The GTM 2B section is used to monitor
console) is labeled BLOW IN DOOR OPEN. It
various parameters of the GTM 2B. It has 30
illuminates red when the blow-in doors in the
alarm indicators (32 on the CG console), 9 status
uptakes are open.
indicators (7 on the CG console), 2 dual-indicating
meters, and the GTM 2B MANUAL START
On the seventh row, the first alarm indicator
controls with 12 push-button control indicators
illuminates red when the cooling system fan
(9 on the CG console) and 2 status indicators. The
pressure is out of limits or the vent damper is not
indicators are arranged in three columns. We will