LUBE OIL Section
system. The other status indicator is amber
and labeled PLCC CONTROL. It illuminates
This section is used to monitor the MRG LO
when control of the LO system is at the
system. It has one dual-indicating meter, a
column of six alarm indicators (seven on
Under the label PUMP MODE is the three-
the CG console), three status indicators, six
position rotary switch. The positions are labeled
pump push-button control indicators, and a
three-position rotary switch for pump mode
operator uses this rotary switch to select either the
manual mode of pump operation or the automatic
The dual-indicating meter is labeled HDR
mode. In the MANUAL mode the PACC
TEMP/HDR PRESS. It is used to monitor
operator can start (slow or fast) or stop the
the temperature and pressure of the LO at
electric LO pumps. The automatic mode is
the MRG header. The temperature side reads in
selected by placing the rotary switch in either the
degrees Fahrenheit and the pressure side reads
B LEAD or A LEAD position. The position
designated by the PACC operator determines
The alarm indicator labeled HEADER PRESS
which pump is the lead pump and which pump
HI/LO is the first of the six alarm indicators. It
is the standby pump.
illuminates red if the MRG LO pressure exceeds
27 psig or drops below 15 psig. Next is HEADER
TEMP HI/LO, which illuminates red if the MRG
LO temperature > 130F or is < 90F. The third
one is SUMP LEVEL LO, which illuminates
amber if the LO level in the MRG sump drops
below 1400 gallons. The alarm indicator labeled
HEATER TEMP HI illuminates amber if the LO
discharge temperature of the LO service system
heater exceeds 170F. The fifth alarm indicator
i s labeled SETTLING TK TEMP HI. It
illuminates amber if the temperature of the LO
in the settling tank exceeds 170F. The last one
is STRAINER DP HI. It illuminates red if the
differential pressure across the LO strainer
exceeds 10 psid.
Under the label PUMP are the six push-button
control indicators. There are two columns of three
push buttons for each pump (B or A). The PACC
operator uses these push buttons to control the
pump speed of either or both LO pumps. The
push buttons labeled FAST and SLOW are green
status switch/indicators that illuminate to show
the status or command to the respective pump,
depending on the operating mode the PACC
operator selects. The push buttons labeled STOP
are red status indicators that illuminate to
show the status or command to the respective
pump. On the CG console, the additional alarm
illuminates red when a malfunction of the MRG
LO purifier occurs.
The status indicator labeled PURIFIER ON
illuminates green when the MRG LO purifier is
running. Under the PURIFIER ON indicator are
two status indicators. The first status indicator
is green and labeled CCS CONTROL. It
Figures 5-3 and 5-4 show a detailed view of
illuminates when CCS has control of the LO
the DD- and CG-class ships' PACC MIMIC