Figure 1-12.--Compressor Operating Data Log Sheet.
1. Temperature, pressure, vacuum, flow, chemical
analysis, and density data from various points in the
compressor Operating Data Log Sheet is shown in
distilling plant
and records readings at established intervals. For
2. Scaling record for each evaporator unit, including
extended operation, a data log sheet should be filled
the date of the last scaling, the hours operated, and
out during every watch. A log is helpful not only from
the quantity of distilled water produced since the last
the operational and maintenance standpoints but also
scaling to the day of the record and since the last
as a troubleshooting guide for detecting unusual and
scaling to the end of the day record
inefficient operating conditions.
3. Starting, stopping, and total operating time of
Depending on the ship's air system demand, the
each evaporator and various auxiliary machinery
actual operating time on each compressor of a
parts, such as air ejector and pumps
multicompressor installation might differ. For each
compressor to provide the best service, the operating
4. Remarks about the operation and maintenance of
time should be equalized over each quarterly period.
the distilling plant for each watch of the day
Reviewing the entries on these logs and noting the
hours recorded will allow the operators to change the
5. You must make accurate entries in the Distilling
operating sequence of the units accordingly.
Plant Operating Record. Accurate entries will help
predict trouble. If abnormal operating conditions
should suddenly develop, the entries in the record
The Distilling Plant Operating Record is a daily
should aid in locating the sources of trouble.
auxiliaries. Entries are made for each hour while the
distilling plant is operating. Different gas turbine
RECORDS. Your department will use the daily
ships have many different types of distilling plants,
operating log for refrigeration equipment or air-
but all daily distilling plant operating records will
conditioning plants to maintain a record of operating
require practically the same type of data entries. The
following list includes the required information:
for the continued analysis of operating conditions and
operating results found in the equipment. Notice that