One final decision to make when setting up files is
At regular intervals, such as each quarter, records
how to keep your logs, records, and files centralized.
that are more than 3 years old are usually destroyed.
This step will help you prevent a backlog of requests for
When a ship that is less than 3 years old is
information or delays when you must produce a
decommissioned, the current books are retained on
particular log or record.
board. If a ship is scrapped, the current books are sent
to the nearest naval records management center. All
Efficiency can be maintained by a thorough training
reports sent to, and received from, NAVSEA or another
program for all engineering personnel involved in log
superior command may be destroyed when they are 2
keeping. If all personnel are familiar with the filing
years old, if they are no longer required.
system, they will place the logs and records in the proper
To control the volume of paper work, reports should
be kept on board only if they are
As a GSM2, you will likely be assigned to maintain
a variety of tiles. Most routine tiles will involve those
1. required,
for correspondence, messages, or tickler systems. Each
2. serve a specific purpose, or
of these categories is briefly described in the following
3. provide repair personnel with information not
found in other available publications or
As you assume more extensive administrative
responsibilities, you will be required to become
Correspondence includes all
increasingly aware of the retention, disposal, and
material--publications, messages, memoranda, and so
maintenance procedures required for your department.
on--sent to and from a command. You must read and
understand these types of correspondence. The system
used to file your division's correspondence should be
As a second class GSM, you will be required to learn
one that all personnel can use.
how to maintain correspondence files, messages, and
tickler systems. You will need to determine the
requirements of your division. You should know how to
set up the files, what to file, and how to use the files to
gather necessary information. You will also need to
Messages are the quickest form of written
make sure that information your division develops is
communication in the Navy. This is because our
sent to higher authority in the proper form of reports or
telecommunications system is capable of getting
time-sensitive or critical information to addressees
The accuracy of a filing system and the ease in
rapidly for effective use of information. There are
retrieving information is extremely important if the
several methods used to file messages. Your division
system is to be effective. Administration of the
may file messages according to date-time group (DTG),
engineering department requires easy access to previous
precedence category, or subject matter. You should learn
information either received or sent out. Efficiently
your division's message filing system to help you locate
managed files contribute directly to the overall
critical information.
effectiveness of the engineering department.
Each month the engineering department should
Tickler Systems
close out the files, logs, and records of the previous
month. This means a new set is needed for each new
A tickler system consists of record cards, usually
month. When starting up a new month's logs, records,
organized in a standard desk-top box, in chronological
and files, always take a look at last month's logs,
or alphabetical order. This system makes handling
records, and files. Determine which logs, records, or
recurring reports simpler. The reports tickler file
files were bulky and which contained only a few pieces
requires daily attention if it is to be an effective tool. You
of paper. Use this information to set up your new folders.
must keep it and the information it contains up to date,
Some files may have to be broken down to make them
quicker to find. Some files may be combined to save
and you must inform responsible personnel of current
requirements for reports.