Next, you must determine what category your
particular problem is assigned to. There are two
categories of FBRs--category A and category B.
These categories are defined as follows:
Category AThis category is nontechnical
in nature and meets PMS needs that do not
require technical review. The FBRs
assigned this category pertain to the need
for replacement of missing or mutilated
maintenance index pages (MIPs) or
maintenance requirement cards (MRCs).
Category BThis category is technical in
nature. It is submitted by the ship's 3-M
coordinator to the applicable TYCOM.
Figure 1-15.--Standard Equipment Guide List.
FBRs assigned this category pertain to the
notification of a shift in maintenance
responsibilities from one work center to
Review Procedures
another. These FBRs also pertain to
TYCOM assistance in the clarification of 3-
Before sending your FBR through the chain of
M instructions. This category also applies
command, you should review the form for
performance. These discrepancies can exist
closely scrutinize is the equipment identification
in documentation, equipment design,
section. Errors in this section will cause delays in
processing your FBR. Provide as much information as
procedures. The discrepancies can be
you can. Make certain you use the correct APL
operational deficiencies in PMS support
number for hull, mechanical, or electrical equipment.
(parts, tools, and test equipment), as well.
Read the comments in the REMARKS section. Make
certain the comments are legible and complete. On
handwritten FBRs, be sure each copy is clear and
legible. Observation of these simple guidelines will
help you maintain your equipment in a high state of
When the reason for submission of a PMS FBR
involves safety of personnel, or potential for
damage to equipments and relates to the
technical requirements of PMS, the FBR is
considered URGENT. Urgent FBRs must be
The Equipment Guide List (EGL) is a 5" x 8" card
sent by naval message to both NAVESEACENs
with information copies to the cognizant
the MRC applies to the same type of items (motors,
controllers, valves, test equipment, and so forth), use
an EGL card. Each ship prepares its own EGLs.
Standard EGL forms are available from the Navy
Your next step is to fill in the equipment
supply system.
identification section. This information consists of
system, subsystem, or component, allowance parts
When determining the number of items to include
list (APL), MIP number, and MRC control number.
on an EGL, you should consider the skill level of the
assigned maintenance person and the time that will
check the proper block under either CATEGORY A or
be required to complete the maintenance on each
CATEGORY B. In the REMARKS section, provide a
item. Remember, each page of an EGL should contain
brief description of the problem or requirement.
no more than a single day's work. If more than one
Remember to include sufficient information to
day is required, prepare a separate EGL page for
describe the problem. Next, insert the work center
each day, and number the pages consecutively.
code and sign the FBR. The FBR will then be routed
through your chain of command for review and