Figure 1.19.--Detail drawing of a base pivot.
gives the appearance of viewing the object from one
corner. All lines are shown in their true length, but
not all right angles are shown as such.
Tempering is the method for hardening steel by
heating it and then suddenly cooling it by immersion
Oblique Drawings
in oil, water, or another coolant.
All-Purpose Material Symbol
A sample of an oblique drawing is shown in figure
1-18. Notice that an oblique drawing shows an object
in three dimensions. It is a projection of an object's
An all-purpose material symbol is shown in figure
front and top surfaces, which shows the viewer the
1-16. In drawings, this symbol represents materials of
length, width, and height.
all types.
Orthographic Drawings
drawing. It is a drawing that provides a two-
Once you grasp a good understanding of the terms
dimensional view; that is, it shows only the object's
and symbols, drawings and diagrams will become less
height and width.
complex and easier to use. This section will provide
descriptions and illustrations of the most commonly
Detail Drawings
used drawings and diagrams.
Isometric Drawings
detail drawing is a print illustrating a single
component or part. It shows a complete and exact
An example of an isometric drawing is shown in
description of the shape and dimensions of the part
and how it is made (its construction).
more views of an object that appears rotated. This