The heat of the solution may exceed the maximum safe
dispensing temperature.
Sampling and testing can be dangerous if you do not
When mixing TSP with feedwater, you can either
follow the procedures carefully, if your equipment is
add the TSP to the water or add the water to the TSP
faulty, or if you carelessly handle or stow the testing
without difficulty. When you are using large quantities
chemicals. In the oil lab, you will use specific chemicals
of DSP, however, you should add the DSP to the water
and chemical solutions for testing fuel, oil, and water
because DSP tends to cake when water is poured over
samples. In the next sections, we will identify these
chemicals and explain their associated safety
Another water treatment chemical you may have to
precautions. Material safety data sheets (MSDSs) are
handle is Nalcool 2000. This corrosion and rust inhibitor
available for all hazardous materials used by the Navy.
is used in the jacket water systems of SSDGs, and it is
You should review the MSDSs for each chemical before
very hazardous.
use. To be able to perform your fuel, oil, and water
testing procedures correctly, you must know how to use
Nalcool 2000 is hazardous because it contains
these chemicals safely.
strong alkalies. Do not mix alkalies directly with acids
because the heat generated may cause the chemicals to
FUEL AND OIL TESTING. There are only two
spatter. If alkalies come into contact with your skin,
chemicals you will normally use for fuel and oil testing.
flush the affected area with cold, potable water until the
These chemicals are dry-cleaning solvent, better known
slippery feeling disappears. If the burning or itching
as P-D-680 type II, and absolute methanol. You will use
sensation persists, seek medical attention. If alkalies
very small quantities of these chemicals in the oil lab.
Since both chemicals are flammable, bulk quantities
come into contact with your eyes, flush with cold,
potable water for 15 minutes at an eyewash station and
should be stowed in a flammable liquid store room.
seek immediate medical attention.
WATER TEST CHEMICALS. During feedwater
and boiler water testing, you will come in contact with
Take extra care when you are handling absolute
several chemicals that require special handling and
methanol. It is irritating to the skin, respiratory
disposal. If they are not properly handled, these
tract, and eyes. It is moderately toxic by skin
chemicals are hazardous both to personnel and to the
absorption and highly toxic to the central
nervous system and optic nerve by ingestion.
Most of these chemicals come in concentrated form
A l w a y s use absolute methanol in a
(stock solutions) and contain either caustic soda, nitric
well-ventilated area to avoid the accumulation
acid, or mercuric nitrate. These chemicals can cause
of vapors.
burns to the skin and eyes and can be fatal if they are
ingested. To protect yourself, always wear goggles or a
face shield and either plastic or rubber gloves whenever
Trisodium phosphate (TSP) and disodium phosphate
you are handling these solutions.
(DSP) are the only two treatment chemicals authorized
for use in waste heat boilers. You and all other oil lab
Now that we have discussed some of the potential
personnel should take care when either one of these
hazards you should be aware of when you are handling
chemicals is used. In its concentrated form, TSP will
or stowing the materials and solutions you will be using
cause burns to the skin, eyes, and body tissues. If you
or testing in the oil lab, let's talk about the methods you
get TSPor its solution on your skin or in your eyes, flush
should use to dispose of these and other hazardous
the affected area with cold, potable water for 15 minutes
products safely.
and obtain medical attention.
Hazardous Wastes
For both TSP and DSP, the safety dispensing bottle
must be clearly marked and used for these boiler
The discharge of oils or oily wastes into our aquatic
treatment chemicals only. The type of dispensing bottle
used for both TSP and DSP is made from linear
environment is a serious worldwide pollution concern.
These discharges (effluents) can cause significant and
polyethylene, a material that has a maximum use
long-lasting effects on marine life and the quality of
temperature of 176F (80C). As they dissolve, both
TSP and DSP will generate heat. Do not use hot water
shoreside beaches. Oily discharges can also be a
potential hazard for fires and explosions. Because of
to dissolve these chemicals in their dispensing bottles.