Figure 1-20.--Single-line diagram for fuel oil service system.
Single-Line Diagram
some equipment layouts may show only the physical
location of machinery, others will show the piping
that connects various pieces of equipment together.
A single-line diagram uses lines and graphic symbols
to simplify a complex circuit or system. Contained in
layouts. On a gas turbine-powered ship, you will
the Engineering Operating Procedures (EOP) section
primarily find equipment layouts in the EOP and
of EOSS, these types of diagrams are the ones that
propulsion plant manuals (PPMs). The equipment
you will use everyday. They will aid you as you are
layouts in the EOP are used mainly for training new
maintaining, repairing, or aligning shipboard
personnel. The use of an equipment layout for system
tracing depends upon the amount of detail included
in the equipment layout.
Engineering personnel use equipment layouts as
aids to locate various pieces of equipment throughout
This chapter has provided you with a variety of
a machinery space. Equipment layouts are extremely
information to help you become a more efficient and
helpful to newly reporting personnel who are not
effective GS.
familiar with the engineering spaces. The main
purpose of an equipment layout is to show the
This chapter described the Navy's QA program
physical relationship of the equipment to its location
and how you, a work center supervisor, will become
in a space. Some layouts are more detailed than
others, but the primary purpose is the same. While