Figure 3-10.-EPCC panel locations.
Throttle and Pitch Control System
STOP OVERRIDE switch at the LOP must not be used
to accomplish an emergency stop at the PCC. The
The throttle and pitch control system provides
emergency stop command causes the circuitry in the
control of shaft speed and propeller pitch. The control
LOP and FSEE to immediately de-energize the POWER
system can be operated in three modes: (1) local manual
TURBINE OVERSPEED TRIP switch. This action will
control, (2) remote manual control, and (3) programmed
cause both automatic fuel shutdown valves to close and
latch. This will shut down the GTE.
The propulsion control system can be operated in
the manual control mode from the PCC or the LOP. The
EOT Control System
programmed control mode is the primary mode of
operation and is initiated from the PCC or SCC. The
relationship between the pitch and throttle is
The EOT control system on the FFG-7 class ships
automatically scheduled by the PCS in the programmed
is a standard Navy installation. The EOT provides an
electromechanical communication system between the
You have just read about the controls available at
bridge and the PCC. The EOT on the PCC is located on
the PCC. Now, let's look at the controls available at the
the lower or propulsion control panel and provides
continuous position indication. The EOT also provides
signals to the discrete multiplexer, which are inputs to
the PCS bell logger program.
The EPCC contains the controls and indicators that
The EOT is used to relay standard orders from the
are used to remotely operate and monitor the ship's
bridge to the PCC. When the bridge orders a change of
service power generation, distribution, and related
speed, one of the pointers in the EOT will point to the
requested speed. The PCC operator acknowledges the
incorporates a variety of control and monitoring
order by moving the other pointer to match the bridge
devices. These are alarm and status indicators, generator
status, mimic and distribution control, and plant system
pointer. This is done by using the knob below the EOT.