Figure 3-11.-Auxiliary control console.
14. Refrigeration system
The ACC, shown in figure 3-11, controls and
15. IC/SM - Summary alarm
monitors 15 auxiliary subsystems and interfaces with
the software program of the EPCC. This interface
In this chapter, we will only mention these
provides for demand display readout, alarm
systems. For a detailed description of these systems
monitoring, and the logging of data on the data
and the associated controls and indicators, refer to
logger. Controls and indicators are arranged on the
GSE3/GSM3, Volume 2, NAVEDTRA 10564.
ACC in a logical manner to help the operator relate
the panel control and monitoring functions to the
The parameters that are considered critical are
location of the auxiliary systems in the ship.
continuously displayed on the ACC for operator
monitoring. The parameters that are not considered
There are 15 specific auxiliary subsystems
to be critical are available to the operator. For these
interfacing with the ACC. These 15 subsystems are as
parameters, the operator uses the thumbwheel switch
assembly to enter a specific code for the desired
parameter. This assembly is located next to the
1. Machinery space ventilation
alphanumeric demand display. In addition to the
auxiliary system parameters, all electrical system
2. Fuel fill, transfer, and purification
and propulsion system demand display parameters
can be selected at the ACC.
3. Chilled-water circulation
4. Waste heat water circulation
EPCC to exchange information. Three of the primary
functions performed by this interface are as follows:
5. Compressed air plants
1. Processing of the discrete and analog data to
6. Main engine starting air
provide a backup for alarm detection
7. Potable water
2. Processing of data for output to the demand
display at the ACC
8. Fill valves
9. Distilling plants
the data processor in the PCC
10. Saltwater service system
Each of these functions is under the control of the
electric plant and auxiliary control system software
program. This program is stored in the EPCC data
processor memory. Data is transferred from the
12. Masker, prairie, and bleed air
13. Sewage disposal system