parachute assembly from one activity to another,
all original (flimsy) copies from the permanent file
are transferred to the new custodian to provide
a complete history of the parachute assembly.
This will also initiate the new custodians
permanent file. When a parachute assembly has
been involved in an aircraft accident, the history
record and the permanent file of original (flimsy)
history records are forwarded to the Commander,
Naval Weapons Center (Code 64123), China
Lake, CA 93555.
The IMA placing the parachute assembly into
service initiates the Parachute Configuration
Inspection and History Record. The IMA initiates
a new history record each time the parachute
assembly is inducted for repack or maintenance.
All required entries must be legibly recorded,
using a ball-point pen or typewriter. The Aircraft
Buno/Serial Number block maybe annotated in
pencil or left blank, to be filled in by the cognizant
custodian of the parachute assembly. Entry errors
are ruled through a single line and initialed by the
quality assurance inspector. The hardback copy
from the previous inspection can be destroyed
upon acceptance of the newly repacked parachute
assembly by the OMA.
The type parachute (NES-12, A/P28S-27), the
parachute assembly part number (576AS100-27,
MBEU 10030PA-4), the canopy serial number,
the date the canopy was placed in service (month
and year), the aircraft buno/serial number, the
controlling custodians alphanumeric 3-M organi-
zation code, the next scheduled removal date
(Julian date), and the actual removed date (Julian
date) must be entered at the top of the history
Cartridges and Cartridge-Actuated
The parachute in the example uses a cartridge-
actuated device, so you must fill out the
appropriate columns on the history card. If the
parachute does not use the devices listed, you must
use the letters N/A (not applicable) in the
column(s). Enter the part number, type of
cartridge being used, the time delay of the
cartridge, lot number, and the expiration date of
the cartridge.
Technical Directives
Since you are placing the parachute into
service, you must update its history of technical
directives with prescribed changes and modi-
fications that were previously incorporated. The
codes used to properly fill out this part of the
history card can be found in appendix K of
OPNAVINST 4790.2 (series). You also need to
use NAVAIR 13-1-6.2 to find a listing of all
technical directives that apply to this equipment.
Miscellaneous History
If applicable, you should enter the results of
the ripcord pin pull force check for both
disassembly and assembly. Notice the quality
assurance inspectors initials are entered below
each recorded measurement. The inspectors
initials must also be placed in the space following
the Suspension Line Mandatory Inspection Point
(SLMIP). If applicable, the automatic parachute
ripcord release firing altitude and the results of
the spreading gun firing pin pull force check are
logged in the proper location. If these checks do
not apply, you should enter N/A. You should
enter the Julian date of the last complete
inspection and repack, if applicable. If you find
these actions are not applicable, enter N/A.
Indicate whether or not a canopy damage chart
is attached by checking the appropriate box.
Configuration Verification (A list of
each item that has a service life)
All parachute components other than car-
tridges and cartridge-actuated devices with
assigned service life must be entered in the
Configuration Verification Section of the history
record. Service life items can be identified by
referring to the Illustrated Parts Breakdown
Numerical Index of the applicable parachute
assembly work package. Enter the nomenclature,
part number, contract number, manufactured
date (month and year), placed-in-service date, and
the expiration date for each component with a
service life. Obtain the date of manufacture and
contract number from the component label. The
placed-in-service date is from the date the shipping
container seal is broken. If the service life has been
extended for a particular component, enter the
issuing authority and the date-time group of the
authorizing message in the Remarks column. If
the contract number is not known or cannot be
determined, enter UNK in the appropriate block.