Original Issue/Acceptance
The original issue inspection is performed at
the time a parachute is placed into service. The
original issue inspection consists of a visual
inspection of the assembly and a repack of the
parachute assembly in accordance with the
applicable work package. When a parachute
assembly is an aircraft inventory item, the
acceptance inventory inspection serves as the
original issue inspection. In this case, the packed
parachute assembly is visually inspected for
damage, and the records concerning the parachute
are examined for discrepancies or missing in-
formation. If any discrepancy is found, a
conditional inspection, which includes a repack
of the parachute assembly, is performed.
The regular inspection cycle of a parachute
assembly should correspond either to the aircraft
calendar inspection or to the phased maintenance
inspection cycle program, as directed by NAVAIR
13-600-4-6.3. You should ensure the parachute
assembly inspection period does not expire before
the scheduled maintenance period of the aircraft.
To meet unusual situations and facilitate work-
load scheduling, a plus or minus 1 week, or
portion thereof, may be applied to the authorized
inspection interval. To enable a ferry flight to
return to home station/ship after an away from
home grounding discrepancy of such duration that
inspection interval expired, necessary additional
days maybe added. However, in each instance
deviations apply only to the immediate inspection
due. If unusual circumstances dictate deviations
of succeeding inspection intervals, each deviation
must be computed from the date on which the
inspection would have been due if the preceding
deviation had not been granted.
Conditional Inspection
When a parachute assembly must be inspected
as the result of a specific situation or set of
conditions unrelated to the normal inspection
interval, a conditional inspection is performed.
Postcombat Inspection
Organizational-level maintenance inspects
parachute assemblies for external damage or
abnormal condition after each combat mission.
When an aircraft has been subjected to gunfire,
all parachutes are examined for damage prior to
the next flight. If bullets or fragments have
entered the parachute assembly, you must remove
it from service and perform a conditional
Aircraft Accident Report Inspection
Any personnel parachute, along with related
subassemblies or equipment (pilot parachutes,
stabilization parachutes, containers, harnesses,
cushions, automatic parachute ripcord release
assemblies, ballistic spreading guns), that has been
recovered following use in an emergency bailout
or ejection must be returned to the nearest naval
supply activity for shipment to the Commanding
Officer, Naval Weapons Center (NWC), China
Lake, California. The parachute must be in the
same condition that it was when recovered. Do
not chain the lines. You do this in the event that
an engineering investigation is necessary by NWC.
Stencil on the outside of the shipping container
in 1-inch letters the following: THIS
required so that a design deficiency can be
detected, or to establish requirements for product
OPNAV 3750.6 gives procedures you must
follow to provide the Naval Weapons Center with
sufficient information to properly evaluate and
improve these parachutes for service use. In
accordance with this instruction, you will give
NWC the following information:
1. Name of submitting activity and AAR
2. Date, time, and place of use
3. Name, rank/rate, serial/service number of
4. Model aircraft, altitude, attitude, airspeed,
and sink rate at time of ejection or bailout (if
5. Type of parachute and serial number of
canopy assembly
6. Type and model designation of ejection
seat (if applicable)
7. Type of automatic parachute ripcord
release and serial number
8. A brief narrative summary of any
difficulties with the personnel parachute
equipment and/or automatic actuator or other
additional information that may be applicable