3. Have your helper raise the suspension line.
Use Y-stands at the skirt hem to hold the
suspension lines.
4. You, as the packer, start at the skirt hem
and inspect the upper radial seam from skirt hem
to peak. You inspect the vent hem, collar and ring,
lower radial seam, fabric surface, diagonal seams
or tapes, and skirt hem. Minor defects that do
not weaken the assembly are not reported on a
canopy damage chart. If necessary, minor defects
may be corrected by light brushing or trimming.
5. Significant damage and major defects, such
as holes, rips, tears, or contaminated areas that
have to be removed, are reported on the canopy
damage chart.
Use the same procedures to inspect all canopy
To inspect the suspension lines, you and your
helper grasp one group of suspension lines at the
connector links and walk toward the canopy skirt
hem, allowing the lines to run freely over the palm
of your hand. Visually examine the lines for
damage and defects. Upon reaching the skirt hem,
grasp the remaining groups of lines and inspect
them the same way, walking toward the connector
links. The lines at the canopy vent are also visually
examined. Your inspection includes, but is not
limited to, the following:
1. General condition of the suspension lines
including fraying, ruptures, inner cores protruding
from lines; dirty, lumpy, hard or thin spots;
friction bums; improper overlap length; presence
Figure 1-16.Suspension line construction.