Learning Objective: Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to
recognize, inspect, and maintain cartridges and cartridge-actuated devices used
with personnel emergency parachute assemblies.
As you look around the parachute loft, you
will see that it is a very clean, neat, and safe-
looking place to work. Although it has this
appearance, there are a few places that are very
dangerous. One of the more hazardous places is
the packing table. The packing table may look as
safe to you as sitting at home in your easy chair
watching television. However, on the packing
table you will find automatic opening devices.
There are two basic opening devices used in the
operation of personnel parachutes.
The first is the automatic parachute ripcord
release. Working with this actuator is the same
as working with a loaded .38 caliber pistol. The
second is the ballistic spreader gun. This gun has
a cartridge; and when fried, it gives the same effect
as an exploding hand grenade. Working with any
opening device requires extreme cautionall
safety precautions must be taken to ensure your
safety as well as that of your coworkers. This
chapter will help you understand the operation,
function, and maintenance of this equipment.
The Navy currently uses the Model 7000
automatic parachute ripcord release (fig. 2-1) in
its personnel parachute assemblies. It is a
barometrically controlled, pyrotechnic device. The
actuator is designed to open a parachute at a
preset altitude. The Model 7000 automatic
parachute ripcord release is available with two
different altitude settings. One is the 10,000-foot
setting, plus or minus 1,000 feet (identified by
green labels on the cover assembly). The aneroid
is identified by a green potting seal and a white
Figure 2-1.Model 7000 Automatic Parachute Ripcord
label with green lettering. The other is the
14,000-foot setting, plus or minus 1,000 feet
(identified by red labels on the cover assembly).
The aneroid is identified by a red potting seal and
a white label with red lettering.