5. You should enter the cartridge time delay,
part number, type, expiration date, lot number,
can open/installation date, the CAD DODIC (De-
partment of Defense Identification Code), and the
date of manufacture or overhaul on the parachute
Configuration, Inspection, and History Record.
6. Insert a proper time-delay cartridge in the
barrel. Refer to the applicable parachute chapter
to determine which time-delay cartridge should
be used. While you are pressing down on the
barrel, look through the inspection hole in the
receiver and ensure that the hammer assembly
does not swing towards the firewall. If the
hammer swings, the arming pin is improperly
installed. Do not attempt to assemble the ripcord
release any further, as this could fire the cartridge.
7. Press the barrel down into position in the
receiver (fig. 2-10). As the barrel reaches proper
position, exert forward pressure on the snap lock.
This causes the snap lock pins to lock the barrel
in position. Ensure that the snap lock is aligned
with the alignment arrow.
8. Hold the ripcord release, as shown in figure
2-13, and slide the receiver and barrel assembly
into the cover and power cable assembly until the
holes for the screw are aligned.
9. Install the locking screw and lock washer.
Apply a tamper dot to the locking screw, using
red lacquer.
To check out an armed automatic ripcord
release, you should proceed as follows:
1. Check the arming cable for proper
installation, as shown in figure 2-14. The arming
pin must be visible (extending through the side
of the receiver).
Figure 2-13.Sliding receiver and barrel into cover assembly.
Figure 2-14.Checking arming pin for proper installation.
Figure 2-15.Checking roll pin.
Figure 2-16.Checking lock screw.
2. Check for correct position of the
spring and centering of roll pin in hole (fig.
3. Check to make sure the locking screw is
installed. Be sure that the tamper dot isnt broken
(fig. 2-16).