The lower firing lanyard is attached to theconnector link next to the suspension lines. Twosuspension lines and a loop from the parachutehem are attached to each slug. A cover plate holdsthe two lines and loop in the channels of each slug.OPERATIONWhen actuated, the parachute canopy deploysby either an internal pilot chute or by the externalpilot chute. Just prior to full canopy andsuspension line deployment, the firing lanyardpulls the firing pin from the firing mechanism.This releases the striker, which strikes the cartridgeprimer. As the cartridge fires, the 14 slugs arepropelled outward. They simultaneously drag theattached suspension lines outward in a 360-degreespread. This firing sequence occurs prior to anytension being placed on the suspension lines.Spreading is stopped when tension starts to buildup in the suspension lines; so, at high speed itproduces a 4-foot diameter mouth, and at lowspeed, it produces an 8-foot diameter mouth.In the event of a cartridge malfunction, a“fail-safe” backup subsystem operates. After thefiring pin is withdrawn, the firing lanyard exerts25 to 38 pounds of tension on the fail-safeassembly sleeve, which retracts the shear bandassembly. This releases the slugs and allows thecanopy to inflate aerodynamically.IDENTIFICATION AND HANDLINGAn identification tag is attached to thespreader gun and contains the following data:nomenclature,manufacturer’s part number,revision status, serial number, date of manu-facture,and name and address of themanufacturer.A warning label is sewn on each side of thesleeve protecting the firing lanyard and to theouter pack assembly. This label reads as follows:WARNINGTHIS PARACHUTE CONTAINS ACARTRIDGE ACTUATED DEVICE.FOR HANDLING INSTRUCTIONS SEEPARACHUTE PACKING MANUAL.There is a tag attached to the safety pin thatreads: “REMOVE PIN BEFORE PACKING.”Assemblies shipped without a cartridge must havea shipping plug installed.Service LifeRefer to NAVAIR 11-100-1-1 for the shelf/installed life of the spreading gun cartridge. Theservice life expiration date (month and year) ismarked with indelible ink on the side of eachcartridge.NOTE: If the date the sealed con-tainer was opened is not available, theINSTALLEDLIFEis computed from thedate of manufacture as determined fromthe lot number.Log EntriesYou should enter on the Parachute Historyand Record Card the date of primary installationof the spreader gun to the parachute canopy, thelot number, expiration date, part number, CADDODIC, and date of manufacture or overhaul ofthe cartridge.Safety PrecautionsTreat the spreaderstrument. The spreaderas class C ammunitiongun as a delicate in-gun cartridge is treatedin accordance with thegeneral safety precautions given in the cartridgemanual (NAVAIR 11-100-1.1).WARNINGYOU MUST ALWAYS REMEMBERTHAT THE BALLISTIC SPREADINGGUN IS LETHAL WHEN ACTIVATEDWITHOUT A CANOPY ATTACHED.DO NOT REMOVE THE SAFETY PINUNTIL THE PROPER TIME ASPRESCRIBED IN THE PACKINGMANUAL.DO NOT REMOVE LANYARD RE-TAINING PIN WHEN REPLACINGUPPER RETAINING CORD.NOTE: Be sure that the cartridgeservice life will not expire prior tothe next service check. Be sure thecartridge expiration date is enteredin the Parachute History and Re-cord Card.2-11
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