indicate that the cylinder being recharged isnt
receiving anymore CO2. If you havent reached
the gross weight required (tare weight plus weight
of charge) start the compressor and complete
charging. Stop the compressor upon reaching the
proper gross weight. At this time, you have
completed the recharging process, and you must
secure the equipment.
10. To shut the equipment down, start by
securing the inflation assembly valve, and shut off
the compressor. Then secure the fill line valve.
Open the relief valve; this will relieve any pressure
you may have in the line between the fill line valve
and the inflation assembly. Disconnect the fill line
from the inflation assembly and remove the
charging adapter. To secure the rest of the system,
all you have to do is close the supply cylinder valve
and bleed the system by opening the fill line valve.
If, during the recharging process, the cylinder
being charged ceases to gain in weight, there may
be one of two things wrong:
1. The supply cylinder may contain less than
10 pounds of carbon dioxide. In this case, a fully
charged supply cylinder should be used and the
partially charged cylinder reserved to start the
recharging of an empty cylinder.
2. The connecting lines may have become
stopped up with carbon dioxide snow. This may
be caused by water in the supply cylinder or too
small a valve passage (less than 1/8 in) in the
supply cylinders. In this case, the disc assembly
(disc-type valve) or the cylinder valve (seat-type
valve) should be securely seated and the pump
shut off. The connections should be broken and
cleared of the carbon dioxide snow. The line will
actually clear itself if allowed to stand for some
length of time, but this can be hastened by
applying a flame or torch to the tubing. The line
should then be blown out with air to clear it of
water or foreign matter.
Once every month, inspect the level of the oil
in the crankcase and see that it is within the limits
Once every 6 months, lubricate the idler shaft
with two or three applications of light cup grease;
also, lubricate the gear teeth with a thin coating
of the same grease. With a small brush, apply a
light coating of Vaseline to the piston rod. To
do this, dip the brush in Vaseline and hold the
brush against the piston rod while rotating the
gears manually until the piston rod has been
coated completely. If necessary, tighten the
packing at the piston stem. A special wrench is
needed for this operation. Do not tighten
excessively. Because of the design of the packing,
it is necessary to make only a snug adjustment
to have it hold tightly.
Keep the commutator or the motor clean.
Under normal operating conditions, the
commutator will require only occasional cleaning
with a dry piece of nonlinting cloth. Never
lubricate the commutator.
Drain and refill the crankcase at least once a
year. The bearing housings of the motor, which
also need attention at this time, should be cleaned
and regressed by a qualified electrician. Use table
8-3 for servicing intervals.
The instruction book on lubrication for the
Walter Kidde transfer unit recommends inspecting
the oil level in the crankcase periodically and
changing it as necessary. Here, experience with
pumps dictates the time of action. One can
establish and maintain a schedule compatible with
the experience gained through operating the
equipment. The plunger packing needs no oil.
Table 8-3.C-O-TWO Unit Servicing Intervals