Table 8-1.Specifications On Supply Cylinders
Capacity at normal pressure
and temperature* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 pounds
Working pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,800 to 2,015
ICC specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ICC3A
Dimensions (approx.). . . . . . . . . . . . . Diameter, 8 1/2
inches; length,
51 inches
Weight, empty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110-115 pounds
Outlet connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3/4 inch
* Temperature of 68° - 70°F and atmospheric pressure.
until amendment to Department of Transporta-
tion (DoT) regulations, such markings will remain
in use.
Compressed gas cylinders, including CO2
cylinders must not be refilled if the hydrostatic
test date has expired. This date, expressed by
month-year, e.g., 8-70, is stamped on the shoulder
of the cylinder each time the cylinder is retested.
The hydrostatic test date is considered as having
expired if the latest date stamped on the cylinder
precedes the current date by more than 5 years.
Cylinders that do not exceed 2 inches in out-
side diameter and that are less than 2 feet long
are exempt from the hydrostatic retest.
The hydrostatic retest date applies to multi-
place life raft cylinders; if the cylinder is due for
a test, discharge and disconnect the cylinder.
Obtain a new cylinder from supply as a re-
placement, and forward the old cylinder to an
activity capable of conducting a hydrostatic test.
Many nonshatterable cylinders are identified
SHAT, or SHATTERPROOF stamped (not
stenciled) on the shoulder or side of the cylinder.
Substitution of a shatterable for a non-
scatterable cylinder is not authorized.
Personnel who handle compressed gas cyl-
inders must be familiar with the color coding of
cylinders. Color coding is provided as a hazard
warning, and should not be used by itself to
identify the contents of a cylinder. In the event of
conflict with other markings, or doubt as to the
contents, the cylinder should be returned to the
local supply activity, (non-RFI).
All carbon dioxide inflation cylinders must
be painted gray, and markings must be in
black letters 1/4-inch high. The information
must include gross weight, tare weight, weight
of carbon dioxide, and date of latest recharge.
Paint and stencil the cylinder as required,
and ensure that all markings are included as
Ensure that all carbon dioxide cylinders used
for life raft inflation assemblies received from
supply, except those used on the one-man rafts,
have syphon tubes installed.
Gently tap the inverted cylinder with a
small piece of wood. If any rust or other
contamination falls from the cylinder, re-
ject that cylinder, and draw another cylinder
from supply; repeat the contamination check.
Replace the stem in the inflation assembly
valve, install a new sealing washer, and thread
the inflation assembly valve onto the cylinder and
Inspection for deterioration of the cylinder will
consist of a visual examination for the defects
listed below.
Cylinders with defects that approximate the
physical dimensions indicated in the following list
will be condemned and returned to supply.
1. Corrosion pits in a general corrosion area
that exceed a depth of 1/32-inch, or isolated pits
not in a general corrosion area that exceed a depth
of 5/64-inch.
2. Dents that exceed a depth of 1/16-inch, or
whose major diameter is more than 32 times the
3. Cuts or gouges more than 1/16-inch, or
whose major diameter is more than 32 times the
4. Visible arc or torch burns.
5. Evidence that the cylinder has been in a
6. Discernible bulges.