Outward Leakage Test (Supply System)
The outward leakage test (fig. 11-1) is
performed as follows:
1. Ensure the supply cylinder valve and all test
stand valves are closed.
2. Open fully, then close the supply cylinder
3. Note the pressure registered on gauge (9).
After 2 minutes, reread the pressure on gauge (9).
There should be no pressure drop (a drop in
pressure indicates leakage).
Outward Leakage Test
(Regulated High-Pressure System)
The outward leakage test is performed as
1. Cap connection (18) in chamber.
2. Open supply cylinder valve.
3. Turn regulator (Q) to LOAD, and hold
until 2,000 psig (or cylinder pressure) is indicated
on gauge (10). The regulated low-pressure gauge
should indicate the gauge guard cut-off pressure,
170 ± 5 psig.)
4. Close the supply cylinder valve and note
the pressure on gauge (10). After 2 minutes, reread
gauge (10). There should be no pressure drop (a
drop in pressure indicates leakage).
NOTE: If pressure is registered on gauge
(27), a leak is indicated in ON/OFF valve
(L) or ON/OFF valve (G). A pressure drop
on gauge (11) also indicates valve (G) is
leaking. Valve (G) will be independently
tested later.
Bleed pressure by turning (Q) to VENT. Open
valve (S) to bleed system, then close valve (S).
Outward Leakage Test
(Regulated Low-Pressure System)
The outward leakage test is performed as
1. Open the supply cylinder valve. Turn the
selector valve (F) to HIGH and the selector valve
(D) to Hg.
2. Turn the ON/OFF valves (L) and (G) to
3. Slowly turn the regulator (N) clockwise
until 70 psig is indicated on gauges (1 1) and (27).
4. Return valve (L) to OFF and observe
rotameter (8). Any leakage will be indicated by
the ball rising in the rotameter tube. There should
be no leakage.
5. Turn valve (F) to LOW RANGE position
and observe rotameter (7). There should be no
6. Return valve (F) to HIGH RANGE, and
valve (L) to ON.
7. Slowly adjust the regulator (N) until 160
psig is registered on gauge (11). Gauge (27) should
indicate its gauge guard cut-off pressure of
145 ± 5 psig.
8. Turn the ON/OFF valve (L) to OFF and
observe rotameter (8). There should be no leakage
9. Turn the selector valve (F) to LOW
RANGE and observe rotameter (7). There should
be no leakage indicated.
10. Decrease the pressure to 70 psig by open-
ing valve (S), and turning regulator (N) in a
counterclockwise direction.
Leakage Control Valve (E) and
Leakage ON/OFF Valve (G) Tests
Perform leakage control valve and leakage
ON/OFF valve tests as follows:
1. Connect a hose from connection (19) to tap
(20) in the chamber, and observe rotameter (6).
There should be no leakage indicated.
2. Turn the ON/OFF valve (G) to OFF and
remove the cap from connection (18) in chamber.
3. Observe rotameter (7). There should be no
leakage indicated.
Suit Simulator System Leakage Tests
Perform leakage tests on the suit simulator
system as follows:
1. Open the shutoff valve (R) and valve (J)
fully. Place the selector valve (0) to the ALT
CHAMBER, and valve (M) to the suit simulator
2. Remove the hose from tap (20) and
connect it to tap (21) (connecting connection (19)
to tap (21)). Cap piezometer (26).
3. Place selector valve (D) in the H2O
position, and valve (F) in the HIGH RANGE