A person about to be relieved will deliver to
his/her successor all classified material in his/her
custody. Appropriate receipts will be completed
covering the change of custody for all Top Secret
material. Classified material required by an individual
at his/her next duty station, when approved, may be
officially transferred.
When an individual dies, deserts, or is declared
missing in action, the commanding officer, in
disposing of the personal effects, makes sure no
classified material is contained in the effects. Every
effort will be made to recover classified material
known to have been in possession of the person.
Material not recovered or not known to be destroyed
will be reported as a possible compromise.
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: List procedures for
the dissemination of classified material.
Commanding officers establish procedures for the
dissemination of classified information originated or
received by their command to limit outside
dissemination to those activities having a need to
know and to reflect any restriction imposed by
originators or higher authority. Commanding officers
also ensure that material prepared or submitted for
public release does not contain classified information
or proscribed technical data.
Except where specifically permitted, classified
material originating in a non-DOD department or
agency will not he disseminated outside the DOD
without consent of the originating department or
Top Secret material originated within the DOD
will not be disseminated outside the DOD without
consent of the originating department or agency, or
higher authority.
Secret or Confidential material originated within
the DOD may be disseminated to other departments
and agencies of the executive branch of the
government unless specifically prohibited by the
The distribution of classified material must be
limited to those persons whose official duties require
them to have knowledge or possession of such
material. Responsibility for determining whether a
person's duties require access to classified
information and that the person is authorized to
receive it rests upon each individual who has
possession, knowledge, or control of the information
The existence, nature, content, or whereabouts of
classified information must not be divulged
Classified material may be distributed to all
agencies of the executive branch of the government.
On requests from DOD agencies, the need-to-know
may be judged on the face of the request. When the
need-to-know is not discernible from the scope of
the requester's activities, the need must be
determined. Classified material sent to other activities
of the executive branch of the government must be
sent via the departmental headquarters of the
requesting activity for a determination of
need-to-know and capability to handle classified
No person in the DON is to convey orally, visually,
or by written communication any classified
information outside the executive branch of the
government of the United States unless such
disclosure has been specifically authorized by the
Classified information must not be discussed over
telephones because of insecurity resulting from
executive cut-in, phantom voice interceptions, and
wiretapping. Telephones located in sensitive areas
must be provided with a means of complete
disconnection, such as a plug or jack arrangement if
they are considered safe. Intercom systems located in
sensitive areas must be confined to the sensitive area.
procedures for the destruction and emergency
destruction of classified material.
Top Secret, Secret, and Confidential material may
destroyed by burning, pulping, pulverizing, or