The accounting system for an activity should
provide readily available information on what
classified material it has received, what classified
material it has produced, and who has custody of the
The control of classified material is necessary for
several purposes. It must be controlled (1) to limit
dissemination and to prevent excessive production or
reproduction; (2) so that when the material is regraded
or declassified, the holder or recipients can be
determined and notified; and (3) so that the office or
person normally responsible for its security can be
Top Secret Material
The command TSCO is responsible for receiving,
maintaining, distributing, and destroying Top Secret
documents. All Top Secret material received by a
command will be entered into the command's
accountability register. This register will identify each
Top Secret document, including the changes, show the
number of copies, and give the disposition of each
copy. The register will be retained for 5 years after the
documents are transferred, downgraded, or destroyed.
All Top Secret documents and equipment will be
serially numbered at the time of origination.
Additionally, each document will be marked to
indicate its copy number as follows:
Copy No.
o f
Top Secret documents must contain a list of
effective pages and include a record of page checks.
When that is impracticable, as in correspondence or
messages, the pages shall be numbered as follows:
Retention of Top Secret documents will be kept to
a minimum. Nonrecord documents will be destroyed
as soon as their intended purpose has been served.
When Top Secret documents are destroyed, a record
of destruction will be prepared identifying the material
destroyed and the two officials who witnessed the
destruction. Top Secret documents that cannot be
destroyed will be reevaluated and, when appropriate,
downgraded, declassified, or retired to designated
records centers.
Top Secret material may not be reproduced
without the permission of the issuing office or higher
authority; and when copies are made, each will be
annotated to show its copy number.
A disclosure record, which shows the document
title, the names of all individuals who have been
afforded access to the document, and the date of
access, must be maintained for each Top Secret
document. Those in the command who may have
access to containers in which Top Secret information
is stored or who regularly handle large volumes of Top
Secret information need not be included in the
disclosure records. Disclosure records will be
maintained for 5 years after the information has been
downgraded, the document has been destroyed, or
custody has been transferred.
The control of Top Secret information is
maintained by the TSCO, if one is designated, or the
classified material control officer. You may be
required to assist either of them.
Secret Material
As a minimum requirement, commands must
establish administrative procedures for recording all
Secret material originated by, received and distributed
or routed to components of or activities within the
command, or disposed of by the command by transfer
of custody or destruction. Records will be retained for
at least 2 years.
Confidential Material
There is no requirement to maintain records of
receipt, distribution, or disposition of Confidential
material. Administrative provisions are required,
however, to protect Confidential information from
unauthorized disclosure by access control and by
compliance with the regulations on marking, storage,
transmission, and destruction.
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: List procedures for
the disposition of classified material when an
individual is separated, dies, deserts, is
relieved, or is missing in action.
When military or civilian personnel are separated
from the DON, all classified material held by them is
turned in to the source from which it was received, to
their commanding officer, or to the nearest naval
command, as appropriate, prior to delivery of final
orders or separation papers.