Figure 9-12.IALA Maritime Buoyage System lateral marks, region A.
Region A
Types of Marks
Region A (fig. 9-12) is used in Europe, Africa, and
most of Asia, including Australia and New Zealand.
The major rule to remember when using region A is
that the lateral mark will be red buoys to port and green
buoys to starboard when entering from seaward.
The Maritime Buoyage System provides five
types of marks, which may be used in any com-
1. Lateral marksindicate the port and starboard
hand sides of channels.
Region B
2. Cardinal marksused in conjunction with the
compass, indicate that the navigable waters lie to the
named side of the mark.
Region B (fig. 9-13) is used in North, Central, and
South America, plus Japan, South Korea, and the
Philippines. The rule to remember when using region
B is the exact opposite from using region A: Lateral
marks will be red to starboard and green to port when
entering from seaward.
3. Isolated danger markserected on, or moored
directly on or over, dangers of limited size.
4. Safe water marksused to indicate there is safe
water for navigation all around the position (example: