3-35.What manual provides detailed operatingprocedures for activities operating underNALCOMIS OMA?1.Naval Correspondence Manual2.NALCOMIS OMA End User’s Manual3.Naval Air Systems CommandTechnical Manual Program4.Naval Air Training and OperatingProcedures Standardization GeneralFlight and Operating InstructionsManual3-36.What document is used as the sole sourcefor collecting naval aircraft flight data?1.Yellow sheet2.MAF3.Naval Aircraft Flight Record(NAVFLIR)4.FREDs form3-37.What OPNAV instruction prescribesgeneral documentation procedures forcompletion of the naval aircraft flightrecord?1.OPNAVINST 5442.42.OPNAVINST 5442.23.OPNAVINST 4790.24.OPNAVINST 3710.7A. Amount of oxygen, fuel, and oil expendedduring flightB. Crew members on board an aircraft duringflightC. Flight hours flown and landings performedD. Types of missions flownFigure 3-FIN ANSWERING QUESTION 3-38, REFER TOFIGURE 3-F.3-38.The NAVFLIR provides for documentationof what data?1.A and B only2.A, B, and D3.B and C only4.B, C, and D3-39.NAVFLIR should be retained in themaintenance department for a minimum ofhow long?1.1 complete phase cycle2.6 months3.3 months4.30 days3-40.A pilot in command with two crewmembers completes an air missionconsisting of three flights. Two TMRcodes describe the total missionrequirements. What other condition orconditions must be met so that oneNAVFLIR can document the three flights?1.The operations code must be the samefor each flight only2.Maintenance or servicing must nothave been performed at intermediatestops other than the addition of fuel,oil, or oxygen only3.The operations code must be the samefor each flight and maintenance orservicing must not have beenperformed at intermediate stops otherthan the addition of fuel, oil, or oxygen4.All crew members must be assigned tothe same activity23
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