3-41.Part I of the NAVFLIRS Daily Audit3-45.What MDS subsystem deals with supplyReport reports what flight data?actions that support aviation maintenance?1.Data submitted from the previous daythat was found to be valid2.Data submitted during the previousreporting period that was found to beinvalid3.Data submitted during the currentreporting period that was found to beinvalid4.Data submitted during the current andprevious reporting periods that wasfound to be invalid3-42.What report is prepared monthly andidentifies the total aircraft assigned to anactivity and includes the hours flown aswell as the name, grade, and flightqualifications of each aircrewman?1.NAVFLIRS-002.NAVFLIRS-13.NAVFLIRS-24.NAVFLIRS-33-43.What management information systemprovides statistical data on aeronauticalequipment for management purposes?1.MDS2.IPB3.MIM4.PMIC3-44.What MDS subsystem deals with the mostcomplex and widest range of data?1.SCIR2.NAVFLIR3.MDR4.MR1.SCIR2.NAVFLIRS3.MDR4.MR3-46.What maintenance data report identifiesparts that have high AWP times?1.MDR-22.MDR-53.MDR-64.MDR-83-47.What maintenance data report identifies thenumber of man-hours that were expendedon the removal and installation of knowncomponents that have no malfunctions ordefects?1.MDR-132.MDR-123.MDR-114.MDR-93-48.To what source should you refer for adescription and list of availableNALCOMIS reports?1.OPNAVINST 5442.22.OPNAVINST 4790.23.NALCOMIS End User’s Manual4.SESS User’s Manual3-49.To what NALCOMIS report should yourefer for information about outstandingmaterial requisitions?1.Aircraft Material Status Report2.Inspections By Type Equipment Code3.Aircraft Phase Inspection Report4.Aircraft Daily Status Report24
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