EOC on the MAF. This first position is derived from
the mission essential subsystem matrices (MESMs)
that are published as an enclosure to Mission Essential
Subsystem Matrices (MESMs), OPNAVINST 5442.4.
The second and third positions of the EOC codes are
computer generated from the first two positions of the
Work Unit Code (WUC) on the MAF.
Effective management of the maintenance effort
requires the following information:
The degree of aircraft or equipment mission
The length of time the aircraft or equipment was
The system or subsystem that caused the
mission impairment
The maintenance and supply impact on the
aircraft capability
The SCIR system is used to monitor the mission
capability of selected end items. Navy and Marine
Corps aircraft that are listed in OPNAVINST 5442.4
require SCIR documentation. The work center that
performs the corrective maintenance documents SCIR
on the MAF concurrently with the maintenance action
that caused the reduction of the equipments mission
capability. SCIR is also used by maintenance or
production control to report inventory data on both
aircraft and items of SE. Both inventory and readiness
data is documented on the MAF.
To help you understand the relationship between
SCIR and inventory and readiness reporting, an
explanation of the terms and codes that are commonly
used in the SCIR system is given in the following
The controlling custodian manages and distributes
fleet assets. A controlling custodian exercises
administrative control over the assignment,
employment, and logistic support of aircraft. The Chief
of Naval Operations (CNO) assigns the area of
responsibility for each controlling custodian. Examples
of controlling custodians include Commander, Naval
Air Force, U.S. Atlantic (COMNAVAIRLANT) and
Commander, Naval Air Force, U.S. Pacific
The reporting custodian is the activity that has
primary custody of an aircraft. The reporting custodian
is responsible for maintenance and readiness reporting
as well as day-to-day maintenance of aircraft.
Examples of reporting custodians include VF-101,
VS-22, and VFA 136.
Inventory codes define the reporting requirements
and current status of an aircraft or equipment at the time
of inventory, for example, Gain, Loss, or change in
Material Condition Reporting Status.
The term IN Material Condition Reporting Status
(IN MCRS) (inventory code A) means that an aircraft is
in the inventory system and that the aircraft requires
SCIR documentation. IN MCRS is the normal status of
The term OUT Material Condition Reporting
Status (OUT MCRS) (inventory codes 1 through 4)
means that an aircraft is in the inventory reporting
system but does not require SCIR documentation. An
aircraft is placed OUT MCRS for depot-level
maintenance. When an aircraft is placed OUT of
MCRS, EOC code A applies to all existing SCIR
Transaction codes describe inventory transactions.
Transaction codes for inventory transactions are listed
An inventory gain (transaction code 00) occurs
when a reporting custodian receives an aircraft
into its inventory. Aircraft are gained in any
inventory status code category.
An inventory loss (transaction code 03) occurs
when a reporting custodian transfers an aircraft
or strikes it from naval service. An inventory
loss is documented only if the aircraft has been
previously gained and is in the inventory system.
Aircraft may be lost in any inventory status code
A change in MCRS (OUT and IN) (transaction
code 02) does not involve a change of reporting
custodian. Aircraft are only IN MCRS if the
aircraft is in OPNAV XRAY status code A.
Aircraft in all other OPNAV XRAY status codes
NOTE: Each instance of aircraft or equipment
gain, loss, or change in MCRS requires an update of the
Equipment Master Roster (E-00).