A reporting custodian must submit an aircraft
inventory MAF for each reportable incident of
inventory change. An aircraft inventory is required
whenever an aircraft undergoes one of the following
Is gained (is received into the unit that reports
Is lost from unit reporting custody (transfer or
Changes MCRS
The submission of SCIR inventory data is in addition to
the OPNAV XRAY report that must be submitted in
accordance with the latest edition of OPNAVINST
NOTE: OPNAV XRAY data is used to maintain a
perpetual inventory of aircraft, custody, status, and
other logistical information about naval aircraft.
For documentation procedures and examples of
GAIN, LOSS, or changes in MCRS MAFs, refer
to the NAMP and the NALCOMIS OMA End Users
The support equipment (SE) inventory-reporting
system provides the SE-reporting custodian with a list
of major assets on hand. Except for selected training
devices that require inventory and SCIR, SE is
inventoried by using an inventory transaction code of
00, (inventoriedno mission capability data
SE that is listed in OPNAVINST 5442.4 requires
SCIR. Terms and codes that are used in SE inventory
reporting under SCIR and aircraft inventory reporting
under SCIR are similar. Reporting requirements in the
Aircraft Maintenance Material Readiness Listing
(AMMRL) program still apply as do Naval Air
Systems Command (NAVAIR)-issued reporting
requirements in Naval Air Systems Command Aircraft
Maintenance Material Readiness List Program,
NAVAIRINST 13650.1. For detailed documentation
procedures for SE inventory-reporting procedures,
refer to the NAMP and the NALCOMIS OMA End
Users Manual.
DSF prepares the E-00 (figure 5-14) by using data
from MAFs that reflect the inventory of aircraft or
equipment as of 0001 on the first day of the month. The
E-00 reflects the aircraft or SE that is gained into the
inventory during the previous month. The E-00 also
reflects the current number of hours an assigned aircraft
was IN or OUT MCRS. Since the E-00 indicates the
inventory (aircraft and SE that are assigned to an
activity) at the beginning of each month, equipment lost
from the inventory during the previous month is
excluded. The report is sorted by organizational code,
permanent unit code (PUC), TEC, serial number, and
METER (SE only) and should be used to verify data
that is contained in the master files of the local DSF.
Those activities that use NALCOMIS should refer to
the NALCOMIS OMA End Users Manual for
procedures to establish and maintain equipment master
If an E-00 contains errors, the reporting activity
should make corrections by submitting MAFs that use
an inventory transaction code (TRCODE) of 00, 02, or
03. For correction of the PUC, corrections are made on
the MAF daily audit report by using audit report
correction procedures. For corrections to the action
organization code, TRCODE, TEC, bureau or serial
number, time, and date, a NEW inventory transaction
MAF must be submitted and the incorrect transaction
Maintenance control should update the E-00 daily.
Whenever an inventory change takes place,
maintenance control should annotate the E-00 with the
TRCODE, date, and time of the change. Remember,
only those transactions with a TRCODE of 00, 02, and
03 should be entered on the E-00. Inventory gains
should be annotated as a new line entry as shown in
figure 5-14. Inventory loss transactions and inventory
code changes should also be annotated.
SCIR reports provide data to determine mission
capability and system or subsystem reliability. SCIR
reports serve as a management tool at all levels of
management. The following paragraphs briefly discuss
SCIR reports that are available from the DSF.