The content and format of the monthly mainte-
nance summary should be based on what maintenance
managers need to know. These requirements should
include some form of each of the following areas:
Repair of systems and components that are high
man-hour consumers
Components and systems that have high failure
Average man-hours per flight hour, per flight, or
per departure
Efficiency of the maintenance effort
The following additional areas, at the discretion of
preparing activities, may be included in the monthly
maintenance summary:
Cannibalized components
Malfunctions of components causing aborts
(flight cancellations)
Man-hours that were expended on components
without malfunctions
Shop repair capability
Average turnaround time per component
Activity mission capability
These are only a few of the many areas that might be
part of your activitys monthly maintenance summary.
The MO may prescribe additional requirements
depending on what he or she needs to know.
The monthly maintenance plan (MMP) provides
for scheduled control of the predictable maintenance
workload. This predictable maintenance workload
includes inspections, transfer and receipt of aircraft,
and incorporation of technical directives. By
scheduling the predictable maintenance, maintenance
managers can determine the capability for unscheduled
work. Additionally, maintenance managers can
determine. requirements for SE, material, manpower,
and other factors that affect the maintenance operation
in advance of actual need. The MMCO prepares the
monthly maintenance plan; however, the format and
detailed arrangement of the MMP are the prerogative of
the MO.
Organizational Maintenance Level MMP
The MMCO should ensure that a monthly planning
meeting is held each month to put the finishing touches
on the MMP. Two meetings should be held. The first
meeting is held within the maintenance department. All
maintenance supervisors attend this meeting. The
purpose of the first meeting is to present the proposed
plan and to discuss problems, support, and other factors
that are involved in the overall maintenance effort. The
second meeting is held with the supporting IMA to
discuss the quality and types of support that are
required as well as the schedule of components due for
check and test. The organizational-level MMP should
contain, as a minimum, the following general
Projected known operational commitments,
which includes number of flights, flight hours,
and aircraft use (This information may be
obtained from the operations department.)
Dates of scheduled inspections
Schedule of preinspection meetings
Dates of scheduled receipt or transfer of aircraft
and type of work to be accomplished on these
Precision Measuring Equipment (PME)
calibration requirements
Schedule of technical training
Forced removal items (high time and so forth)
Technical directive compliance requirements
Current list of quality assurance (QA) personnel,
quality assurance representatives (QARs),
collateral duty quality assurance representatives
(CDQARs), collateral duty inspectors (CDIs)
List of personnel who are scheduled for ejection
seat safety checkout
Dates of scheduled SE inspections
Scheduled nondestructive inspection (NDI)
Schedule of currently assigned plane captains
A list of QA-audited programs and program