that were flown and maintenance that was performed
on each aircraft for at least its last 10 flights. These
flights are separated by the Aircraft Inspection and
Acceptance Record, OPNAV 4790/141 (fig. 5-26). The
separator includes spaces for the signature, rank or rate,
and date of certification of safe for flight condition. The
signature must be that of the MO, MMCO,
maintenance control officer, or any other person who is
designated in writing by the commanding officer to
certify aircraft safe for flight.
Maintenance control maintains an ADB for each
assigned aircraft. Once a discrepancy MAF is initiated,
maintenance control places a copy of the discrepancy
(MAF) inside the ADB on the right side. The
discrepancy MAF should remain there for as long as
that discrepancy remains outstanding. After a
discrepancy is completed (sign-off), the original
discrepancy MAF is removed from the right side of the
ADB and discarded. A new discrepancy completion
MAF (sign-off) is then printed and placed on the left
side of the ADB to indicate that the discrepancy has
been corrected. The maintenance control supervisor
should verify the ADB with NALCOMIS daily. The
ADB for each specific aircraft should also be screened
for accuracy of completed and outstanding MAFs
before maintenance control certifies an aircraft safe for
flight. The ADB should accompany the aircraft upon
transfer of the aircraft to another activity.
The ACC and TYCOM need the following
information concerning a CAG that they support:
Significant maintenance and supply deficiencies
that are being encountered by the CAG
Q19. What report will provide the needed information
to the ACC and TYCOM?
Q20. Whenever oil analysis is initiated, terminated, or
the monitoring laboratory changes, an entry
should made in what aircraft logbook or
Aeronautical Equipment Service Record (AESR)?
Q21. What type of flight is conducted to determine if an
aircraft and its installed equipment are
functioning properly in its intended environment
in accordance with established standards?
Q22. An aircraft discrepancy book (ADB) provides
maintenance and aircrew personnel with a
comprehensive chronology of flights that were
flown and maintenance that was performed on
aircraft for what period?
Q23. Once initiated, how long should a discrepancy
MAF remain on the right side of an ADB?
Weapon systems require support equipment (SE)
to maintain them in an operationally ready condition.
Also, practically all jet aircraft require SE to furnish an
external power and air source for starting. Without SE,
the aircraft would be of little value as an offensive or
defensive weapon.
Generally, support equipment (SE) is maintained
The number of aircraft that are assigned to the
and repaired locally by the using and supporting
activities. The depth of maintenance that is performed
The MC and FMC data for the CAGs aircraft
on SE does not correspond to the depth of maintenance
Figure 5-26.Aircraft Inspection and Acceptance Record, OPNAV 4790/141.