that is performed on aircraft. OMAs perform only
servicing and preoperational inspections on assigned
SE. IMAs perform all functions that relate to minor
adjustments, removal and replacement of minor parts,
periodic inspections, and removal and replacement of
components. IMAs have intermediate maintenance
responsibility for all SE that is checked out on a
subcustody basis.
Sets of MRCs for each major type of SE make
inspections and repairs easier. These card sets are
updated as a result of SE maintenance experience.
When the sequence found in the card sets is followed,
the minimum inspection requirements of the equipment
are satisfied. MRCs specify the requirements for
preoperational inspections that are performed by the
supporting ship or the AIMD of the station.
If all of the support equipment programs presently
in use by the Navy were presented here, a complete
book would be needed to explain them. To keep the
discussion to a minimum, SE inventory data reporting
and of maintenance and custody records is emphasized.
It is with these types of records that you, the AZ, will be
primarily involved. You should keep an accurate
maintenance history and custody or subcustody record
on each unit of SE for which MRCs are provided.
SE Custody and Maintenance History Record
The SE Custody and Maintenance History Record,
OPNAV 4790/51 (figs. 5-27, 5-28, 5-29, and 5-30) is
used to record information on acceptance, custody and
transfer, record of rework, preservation and
depreservation, TD compliance, and other
miscellaneous history information that should
accompany an SE item throughout its service life. The
OPNAV 4790/51 record should accompany all items of
SE that have maintenance requirements and applicable
technical directives, for example, MRCs and MIMs.
The only exceptions are precision measuring
equipment (PME), engine test cells, and engine test
OPNAV 4790/51 cards provide a record of each
periodic maintenance requirement (inspection), the
date that the requirement was completed, the due date
of the next periodic maintenance (PM), the activity that
accomplished the PM, and the signature of the person
who is authorized to make entries. When an OPNAV
4790/51 card contains no space for further entries, a
new card is initiated. Accumulated data is then
transcribed to the new card. Reporting custodians
should retain the latest completed copy and along with
the current copy of the record.
SE Preoperational Record
The work center that performs preoperational
inspections holds the SE Preoperational Record,
OPNAV 4790/52, in a card file or filing container. The
activity that has physical custody of the SE makes the
entries in the record. Entries reflect all preoperational
inspections performed. This form is also used when SE
is issued or received on a subcustody basis. The
reporting custodian issues a new card when the card in
use is completely filled.
Support Equipment Standardization System
The Support Equipment Standardization System
(SESS) is a computer-based asset control system that
tracks inventory of SE. SESS, used in conjunction with
NALCOMIS, provides an electronic method for
scheduling periodic maintenance, subcustody
management, technical directive accounting, and
inventory management. For detailed information on
SESS, refer to the SESS Users Guide.
NOTE: When the SESS asset control system is not
available, the SE Transaction Report, OPNAV
4790/64, is used to record SE issue and receipt
transactions. When SE is issued on a subcustody basis,
the user signs the transaction report (TR) in the
inspector block. The issuing activity retains the white,
green, and yellow copies of the TR for local
record-keeping purposes. The using activity retains the
pink copy for its records. When SE is returned to the
reporting custodian (usually the IMA), the supervisors
block of the TR is signed by receiving personnel. All of
the discrepancies that are noted during issue, receipt, or
preoperational inspections should be annotated on a
MAF by IMA production control.
Most of the forms, records, and reports that you as
an AZ will complete will have some type of retention
requirement. That is, the original form, records, and
reports must be kept on file for a certain period of time
in case the need arises to refer back to these documents.
No longer are only paper copies of documents retained
on file. With computer-based systems such as
NALCOMIS and SESS, electronic copies of source
documents (data tapes, databases, and so forth) are
maintained on file and have retention requirements. In
the following paragraphs, we will discuss some
retention periods of some of the more common records
and forms. For retention requirements for forms,
records, and reports not listed, refer to appendix B in
the NAMP.