Activities that operate NALCOMIS should store
the current month and the two preceding months of
flight data on the host computer in historical data
format. For example, if the current month is March,
January and February data should be retained and
December database should be transferred to storage.
This electronic database must be stored for one
complete inspection cycle or 12 months, whichever is
Upon transfer of the aircraft, ensure that the aircraft
inspection files, TD compliance files, aircraft general
files, and electronic history data tape files are
forwarded with the aircraft. In addition, activities
should produce an Aircraft Transfer Report and
forward it along with the other aircraft logbook
The NALCOMIS OMA database will
automatically retain 6 months of historical data.
Activities that operate NALCOMIS OMA are not
required to maintain paper copies of MAFs.
Q24. What level of maintenance has responsibility for
functions that are related to adjustments, removal
and replacements of parts, and periodic
maintenance of support equipment?
Q25. Records are kept on the acceptance, transfer, and
custody of SE. Records are also kept on the
rework, preservation, and depreservation of SE.
Further, records are kept of TDs and the
miscellaneous history of SE. On what record is
this information concerning SE recorded?
The maintenance data system (MDS) is the
maintenance information system that provides
statistical data on naval aircraft and equipment. Of
primary interest to the AZ is the maintenance data
reporting (MDR) system and subsystem capability
impact reporting (SCIR) system.
The MR subsystem reports all supply actions that
support aircraft maintenance. AZs do NOT have direct
responsibilities in maintaining the MR subsystem.
The MDR subsystem of the MDS deals with the
most complex range of MDS data. The MAF Copy 1
Daily Audit Report has three parts: Part I contains data
that have no errors and each data element is considered
valid. Part II contains records that were submitted for
the current reporting period with errors that have not
been previously corrected. Part III is produced when
there are correction or deletion records that cannot be
applied to the local database due to erroneous data. The
MDR 4-1 is a detailed list of technical directive
compliance during a reporting period. The Aircraft/
Equipment Work Load Report is the Naval Aviation
Logistics Command Management Information System
(NALCOMIS) report that provides a listing of all
outstanding Maintenance Action Forms (MAFs) for a
specific aircraft or equipment.
The SCIR subsystem provides information about
aircraft and equipment inventory, subsystem
performance, and mission capability of specific aircraft
or equipment. The status of an aircraft or equipment at
the time of inventory is indicated by an inventory status
code. An aircraft inventory MAF is required when an
aircraft is gained or lost from the reporting custodians
inventory or when the aircraft undergoes a change in
material condition reporting status (MCRS). The
Equipment Master Roster, E-00, reflects the aircraft or
equipment on hand as of 0001 on the 1st day of the
reporting period. Maintenance control updates the
E-00. SCIR-3 reports the hours in a reporting period
where equipment was limited in performing its
intended mission.
The monthly maintenance summary provides
information that maintenance managers need to know.
The monthly maintenance plan (MMP) for an aircraft
maintenance activity provides for scheduled control of
its predictable maintenance workload. The MMP for an
organizational maintenance activity (OMA) must be
prepared and distributed not later than (NLT) the 25th
of the month prior to the month where the plan applies.
A supported aviation activity uses the MAF to request
work from a supporting IMA. The IMA or supply
department uses a Work Request Customer Service,
OPNAV Form 4790/36A, to request work from a
depot-level maintenance facility.
An aircraft that is not capable of performing any of
its intended mission due to lack of parts or materials is
described as not mission capable supply.
The aircraft readiness report (AMRR) identifies the
number of aircraft that are assigned to a carrier air
group (CAG) and informs the aircraft controlling
authority (ACC) and the type commander (TYCOM) of
mission capable (MC) and full mission capable (FMC)
data as well as significant maintenance and supply
Whenever oil analysis is initiated, terminated, or
the monitoring laboratory changes, an entry should be
made in the Miscellaneous/History record for the
aircraft or equipment.