SRASelected Restricted Availability.
STAKETo spread the head of a fastener, while in
place, with a center punch or similar tool to prevent
rotation of the fastener.
STELLITEA very hard metal composition used for
STRAINThat force within a part that is caused by an
external pressure.
STRIP SIDEThe side of the launching-engine
cylinders on which the sealing strip is located.
SUPERHEATED STEAMSteam that is hotter than
the boiling point of water and contains no moisture.
SWAGETo make a binding between a fitting and
wire rope by hammering the fitting until its
diameter over the wire rope is reduced so that the
fitting holds the wire rope tightly.
SWLINShip's Work Line Item Number.
TAVTechnical Availability.
TCPTool Control Program.
TDTechnical Directive.
TFBRTechnical Feedback Report.
THERMALRelating to or caused by heat.
3-MMaintenance and Material Management.
TMDERTechnical Manual Deficiency/Evaluation
TOLERANCEThe amount of variation permitted in
the size of a part.
TORQUEA force applied to a part, using a twisting
or rotating motion.
TPDRTechnical Publication Deficiency Report.
TPLTechnical Publications Library.
TYCOMType Commander.
UICUnit Identification Code.
VENTTo remove air or other gas or vapor from a
VIDSVisual Information Display System.
V-RING PACKINGChevron Packing.
VISCOSITYMeasure of resistance of a fluid to
flow. (Thick liquids, such as syrup or glue, would
have a higher viscosity than water.)
VLAVisual Landing Aid.
VOLATILEPassing off readily in the form of a
VRVoyage Repair.
VRTVoyage Repair Team.
W/CWork Center.
WARNINGAn emphatic notice requiring correct
operating or maintenance procedures and the
ensuring of safe conditions to prevent injury or loss
of life.
WARPINGBending or twisting out of shape.
WDCWork Definition Conference.
WET STEAMSteam mixed with free water par-