GALLINGTearing away of a metal surface by
HERTZCycles per second.
HMRHazardous Material Report.
HONETo grind with an abrasive stone to remove
surface imperfections.
HUDHeads-Up Display.
HYDRAULICThat which is operated or moved by
the use of pressurized fluid.
HYDROSTATIC TESTA test to determine whether
a part can withstand certain hydraulic pressures
without deforming or leaking.
I-LEVELIntermediate level.
ICInterior Communications.
ICCSIntegrated Catapult Control Station.
ICPInventory Control Point.
IEMInactive Equipment Maintenance.
ILARTSIntegrated Launch and Recovery Television
Surveillance System.
IMAIntermediate Maintenance Activity.
INSURVInspection and survey.
IPBIllustrated Parts Breakdown.
IRACInterim Rapid Action Change.
JBDJet Blast Deflector.
JCNJob Control Number.
JSNJob Sequence Number.
LAGGINGThe material used to insulate steam
pipes or boilers to prevent the loss of heat by
LANG LAYThe lay in the strands and the lay in the
rope are in the same direction.
LAYThat length of rope in which one strand makes
one complete revolution about the core.
LOEPList of Effective Pages.
MCMaintenance Control.
MAFMaintenance Action Form.
nondestructive method of inspecting areas on or
near the surface of iron or steel.
The part is
magnetized and then sprinkled with iron powder to
locate discontinuities, such as hairline cracks.
MALFUNCTIONAny failure of a system or
component that prevents normal operation of the
MCRLMaster Cross Reference List.
MDSMaintenance Data System.
MEGGERAn instrument used for checking the
insulation of electrical cables.
MEGOHMA unit of electrical resistance equal to a
million ohms.
METCALMeteorology and Calibration (program).
MICROINCHA unit of measurement equal to a
millionth of an inch.
MIOCROMETERA device used for measuring
minute distances.
MILSTRIPMilitary Standard Requisition and Issue
MIPMaintenance Index Page.
MISALINEMENTThe condition of not being
along a fixed straight line; cocked to one side with
respect to other parts.
MOVLASManually Operated Visual Landing Aid
MRMaintenance Requirement.
MRCMaintenance Requirement Card.
MRILMaster Repairable Item List.
MSMaintenance Support.
NATTCNaval Air Technical Training Center.
NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization.
NAVAIRWARCENNaval Air Warfare Center.
NAVSHIPYDNaval Shipyard.
NAVSUPNaval Supply System Command.
NDINon-destructive inspection.
NECKING-DOWNA reduction in diameter, as in a
bolt or stud, caused by wear from vibration of
another part.
NGLNose Gear Launch.
NPCNaval Personnel Command.