ABEAviation Boatswain's Mate (Launching and
Recovery Equipment).
ABRASIONWearing away of a surface by friction,
either by motion while in contact with another part
or by mechanical cleaning or resurfacing with
abrasive cloth or compound.
acAlternating current.
ACHOAircraft Handling Officer.
ACNOAssistant Chief of Naval Operations.
ACTIVATETo put into action mechanically.
ACTUATETo put into action electrically.
ADPAutomated Data Processing.
AELAllowance Equipage List.
AIMDAircraft Intermediate Maintenance Depart-
ALINEMENTParts in correct related positions as
specified on manufacturing drawings.
ALREAircraft Launch and Recovery Equipment.
Equipment Maintenance Program.
APLAllowance Parts List.
ASGAfloat Shopping Guide.
sure of the air at sea level (14.7 psi).
AWMAwaiting Maintenance.
AWPAwaiting Parts.
AWRAutomated Work Request.
BACK OUTTo remove a screw or other threaded
part from its fully torqued or set position.
BINDINGThe stopping or the slowing down of
motion between two surfaces because of foreign
matter, poor alinement of ports, unequal expansion,
or unequal wear between surfaces.
BRAZETo join two metals by intense heat and the
application of a hard solder containing brass.
BRINELLINGA displacement or flow of metal
rather than a loss of metal due to wear.
BULB SIDEThe side of the launching-engine
cylinders that mates directly with the cylinder
covers and is opposite the sealing-strip side.
BURA sharp projection of metal from an edge,
usually the result of drilling, boring, counter-
sinking, and so forth, but may also be caused by
excessive wear of one or both surfaces adjacent to
the burred edge.
CAFSUCarrier and field service unit.
CALIBRATIONTo check, fix, or correct the
graduation of a measuring instrument.
CALIPERSAn instrument composed of two curved
hinged legs, used for measuring internal and
external dimensions.
CASREPCasualty Report.
CAUTIONAn emphatic notice requiring correct
operating or maintenance procedures to prevent
damage to equipment.
CDICollateral Duty Inspector.
CDPCross Deck Pendant.
CDQAICollateral Duty Quality Assurance In-
CHAMFERTo bevel to a sharp external edge.
CHARGETo pressurize a hydraulic or pneumatic
system with fluid or air.
CHATTERVibration caused by uneven motion of a
machine, possibly resulting in damage to parts.
CIRCUMFERENCEA line around a closed figure
of area.
CNOChief of Naval Operations.
COGNIZANTPertaining to the responsible upper
authority who can make a final decision on a
specific matter.